Tag: Fianna Fáil

Gunboat Asylum Policy: Don’t Fall Into Tory Trap on Irish Refugee Crisis

The 20th century problem of partition took a 21st century turn for the worse this week as Westminster commenced a sabre rattling campaign against Dublin with a semi-overt threat to target the Republic with hybrid migration Lukashenko style. A week...

/ 30/04/2024

Ireland’s Referendum: Vote No No

On March 8th, international women's day, Ireland will go to the polls in what is yet another controversial referendum put forth by a socially distant government. Sources within Dáil Éireann have noted the internal divide within Fine Gael and Fianna...

/ 07/03/2024

Sign of Things to Come? Councillors’ Homes Raided and Phones Seized Over Rosscahill Fire

On Saturday it was revealed that the Gardai had searched the homes of the two County Councillors in relation to the Rosscahill fire, seizing one phone. With the Hate Speech Bill among other draconian laws en route, we are starting...

/ 08/01/2024

The Government’s Support of Palestine and Rejection of Armenia is Rank Hypocrisy

In the past couple of weeks, members of the Irish government have, in a rare moment of virtue, voiced their opposition to aggressive Israeli military moves in Gaza. While this is to be commended, it brings into stark relief the...

/ 16/10/2023

An Tánaiste in the Holy Land: Is Irish Neutrality the Price of Martin’s Commission Dreams

  The Cork TD bit the bullet of disingenuous questions about De Valera’s condolences to Hitler and alleged antisemitism in Ireland this week. An Tánaiste Micheál Martin touched down in Israel as part of a week-long state visit to the...

/ 08/09/2023

Tánaiste to Waste more Time and Money on Mozambique & South Africa 

The Department of Foreign Affairs has announced that the Tánaiste Micheál Martin, beginning on the 17th of July, will visit Mozambique and South Africa in a week-long diplomatic visit.  The apparent reason for the visit is to bolster the bilateral...

/ 18/07/2023

Irish Neutrality Committee Rigged by Pro-NATO Gov 

 With the war in Ukraine turning into even more of a meat grinder, Ryan Kiersey takes a look at the machinations of our own government to force the Irish people into the conflict through a citizen's assembly-style charade. Ireland’s Consultative...

/ 19/06/2023

Hate Speech Split in Fianna Fáil?

Oireachtas TV likely hit record numbers in the low hundreds this week as anxious right-wingers tuned in to watch a Seanad debate on hate speech laws.  McEntee’s Bill experienced a cakewalk through the lower house last month, with a gaggle...

/ 15/06/2023

REVEALED: Ireland is the 7th-most Immigration-Sceptic Country in the World

New data from the Alliance of Democracies Foundation has revealed that Ireland is the 7th most immigration-sceptic country in the world. With 23% of Irish people saying that less immigration is one of the top-three issues for them, almost twice...

/ 10/05/2023

Niall Collins’ Gaffe: “On The Ditch” and Ireland’s Looming Regime Change

“The real point is that all this doesn’t matter a fiddler's fart on the Cliffs of Moher to the country’s real problems.” - Breandán Ó hEithir  As the prospect of war grips most European cabinets, France teeters, and populist governments...

/ 09/05/2023