All posts by James Fitzgerald

Irish Liberalism as a Form of Dehistoricisation

Ireland’s rich and tumultuous history has shaped not only its cultural and social landscape but also the collective identity of its people. From the Gaelic tribes to the Norman invasion, from British colonisation to the struggle for independence, the past...

/ 21/10/2024

Get Them Home! Irish Defence Forces Withdraw Necessary Amid Lebanon War

As tensions boil over in the Middle East yet again, and Israel mounts an invasion of Southern Lebanon, the Irish government ought to reconsider its engagement in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the region. Ireland has 340 soldiers in...

/ 02/10/2024

Citizen Journalist Vindicated: Philip Dwyer Beats Garda Harassment in Court

Citizen journalist Philip Dwyer has had his bail conditions rescinded on appeal Monday afternoon after punitive harassment by An Garda Siochána following his work documenting state harassment of protestors in Coolock the past month. The restrictive bail conditions had originally...

/ 19/08/2024

[BREAKING] EU Promises in Arabic To Defend Indigenous Peoples – But Not Europeans

The European Council pledged to defend the rights of indigenous peoples in an Arabic-language statement published Thursday. The press release labels native populations “among the world’s most marginalised communities.”  The document was published in English, with an Arabic translation. As...

/ 09/08/2024

Ireland’s Referendum: Vote No No

On March 8th, international women's day, Ireland will go to the polls in what is yet another controversial referendum put forth by a socially distant government. Sources within Dáil Éireann have noted the internal divide within Fine Gael and Fianna...

/ 07/03/2024

Ireland’s debt to Sweden: The foundation of the Irish Folklore Commission

This article was translated to Swedish and published by the Swedish publication Konservativ debatt. Here it is displayed in the original English-language form. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Gaelic Revival sought to recover and express Ireland’s native...

/ 16/02/2024

The Government’s Support of Palestine and Rejection of Armenia is Rank Hypocrisy

In the past couple of weeks, members of the Irish government have, in a rare moment of virtue, voiced their opposition to aggressive Israeli military moves in Gaza. While this is to be commended, it brings into stark relief the...

/ 16/10/2023

The Powder Keg Reignites? The Western Balkans in an Era of Multipolarity

As the Russian war against Ukraine, and the ongoing crisis in Western Africa continue, it is clear to all that European and American security institutions have perpetuated systemic failures in their commitment to the liberal-humanitarian politics of the global era. ...

/ 21/08/2023

“Is Mise an Gaoth ar Mhuir”: Irish Maritime Folklore and Customs

Folklore is an essential component of a nation’s cultural climate. In Ireland, we have a vast wealth of stories, customs, and beliefs, corresponding to every location of the island of Ireland. The most well-known stories of Irish folklore, Fionn Mac...

/ 06/08/2023

A Fiscal Policy for the Irish Right? The Abolition of the USC & Reformation of Government Spending

The lot of right-wing populism in Ireland is primarily focused on the changing social fabric of the nation. As the government repeatedly and consistently alienates voters with its high tax, high migration, high rent society, political traffic will drift towards...

/ 11/06/2023