Tag: Nationalism

Animal Advocacy Group Calls for Peaceful Demonstration

Animal rights and welfare issues must be included as an integral tenet to any positive vision of Irish Nationalism. Pet theft is degenerate. Missing/Stolen Animals Ireland is calling for the public to support their peaceful demonstration outside Leinster House on...

/ 20/04/2023

Turning the Sod: Irish Farmers’ Launch New Anti-Establishment Political Movement.

Last Sunday saw the launch event of the Farmers’ Alliance, a new political initiative to bring rural voices back into Irish politics.  It follows a wave of rural discontent that is sweeping across Europe in the wake of EU-imposed ‘Green...

/ 19/04/2023

Anti-Irish Propaganda Industry Gets a Funding Boost

“As a society, we are becoming more diverse, and with this, our attitudes and actions towards differences must also change” - Leo Varadkar's foreword to the National Action Plan Against Racism 2023 Ambitious in its scale and extensive in its...

/ 10/04/2023

Conor McGregor: The Cultured Thug

“I tell you what, them Irish genes are good. They've served me well. We are made tough. We are made of steel. So I have no doubt the blood in my genes, the Irish blood in me has definitely stood...

/ 30/03/2023

The Return of the Wild Geese: Sarsfield’s Eternal Legacy

The body of the venerable Irish Jacobite Patrick Sarsfield has been found in an old churchyard in the Belgian town of Huy, alongside other French officers.  Although full proof is yet to be established, what can be gathered from church...

/ 21/03/2023

The Coming Youngfella Summer: Dublin’s Delinquent Renaissance

Virgin Media correspondent Sarah O’Connor has filmed the greatest piece of journalism in Irish history. A century of post-Independence Irish political development, and over a millenia of Irish heritage has culminated in the intricacies of modern Dublin’s ethnographic landscape, as...

/ 06/03/2023

The Ideals of Sarsfield’s Jacobitism do not belong in Modern Ireland

The following first appeared on the substack 'Creeve Rua' and is syndicated with the permission of the author. All those appreciative of Gaelic history and culture should naturally rejoice at the recent news that the remains of Jacobite hero Patrick Sarsfield...

/ 20/02/2023

Tommy Go Home! Keep British Grifters Away from Ireland

Contrast two images: In 2016 a collection of shady English EDL supporters, Polish ultras and Irish activists were roundly humiliated when they attempted to launch a branch of Pegida at the GPO. Badly planned as it was ideologically ill-fated, the...

/ 16/02/2023

Is the Worsening Migration Crisis in the Coalition’s Interests?

It was recently pointed out to me that, as nationalists, if we wanted the Government to act in a way that inflamed sympathy for our movement, we would have the Government act exactly as they have.  Assuming that the Government...

/ 13/02/2023

Don’t Trust the State to Deport Illegal Migrants

The State is feeling the heat on immigration and scrambling to address concerns before immigration breaks out as the big issue in the local and European elections due next year and the General Election due no later than 2025. So...

/ 13/02/2023