Category: International

Is the Gaza Crisis About to Propel Islamo-Populism in the UK?

“I had dreamt of no Islamic revolution in Britain but rather of a slow conversion, helped by an Islamic infiltration.” Anthony Burgess 1978 Bye-elections aside the British Labour Party is having a poor week. The centrist Labour leader Keir Starmer...

/ 20/10/2023

Paddy Cosgrave Did Nothing Wrong (About Israel)

The Web Summit founder has been forced to issue an apology for his tweets on the situation in Gaza. What was this all about, and was he right to say sorry? Over the past few days, a storm in a...

/ 17/10/2023

The Government’s Support of Palestine and Rejection of Armenia is Rank Hypocrisy

In the past couple of weeks, members of the Irish government have, in a rare moment of virtue, voiced their opposition to aggressive Israeli military moves in Gaza. While this is to be commended, it brings into stark relief the...

/ 16/10/2023

Poland Packs It In: Ukraine is Not Ready for the Long War

Following a spat over Ukrainian grain swamping European markets, Poland has stopped the export of any further war materials to Ukraine in their war against Russia.  Warsaw may not be considered to be a major military power in the eyes...

/ 30/09/2023

Ireland and the Spanish Civil War: Debunking Leftist Myths

Central among the myths that motivate leftist Irish republicans is that of Ireland’s engagement in the Spanish Civil War. Heralding Frank Ryan as an anti-fascist hero, singing songs about the Connolly Column like Christy Moore’s Viva la Quinta Brigada and...

/ 14/09/2023

An Tánaiste in the Holy Land: Is Irish Neutrality the Price of Martin’s Commission Dreams

  The Cork TD bit the bullet of disingenuous questions about De Valera’s condolences to Hitler and alleged antisemitism in Ireland this week. An Tánaiste Micheál Martin touched down in Israel as part of a week-long state visit to the...

/ 08/09/2023

The Pegasus Plot: How Zionism Sapped Spanish Sovereignty

Both VOX and the general Spanish right are still licking their wounds a month after a snap election saw a grand coalition of populists and conservatives stumble at their overall objective of displacing the ruling socialist party (PSOE). Not the...

/ 03/09/2023

The Powder Keg Reignites? The Western Balkans in an Era of Multipolarity

As the Russian war against Ukraine, and the ongoing crisis in Western Africa continue, it is clear to all that European and American security institutions have perpetuated systemic failures in their commitment to the liberal-humanitarian politics of the global era. ...

/ 21/08/2023

Visa Diplomacy: West African Carnage Will Have Asylum Blowback for Ireland

Has the African coup mania of the past two years paved the way for a cataclysmic regional war that will send another swarm of migrants hurtling toward Europe? Almost certainly so. The overthrow of a tinpot pro-Western regime in Niger...

/ 16/08/2023

INAR’s Islamist Links? Muslim Brotherhood Linked NGO Helps Lobby For Irish Hate Speech Laws

The droning voice of Shane O'Curry is a regular in almost any media discussion on hate crime or the far right in Ireland as his anti-racist NGO INAR (Irish Network Against Racism) plays a kingmaker role in both hate speech...

/ 21/07/2023