Ireland’s State-Owned Bank is a Woke, Trans, and anti-White Dystopia
The Burkean reports on leaked internal memos exposing the hyper woke and ethically shaky HR practices in Permanent TSB (PTSB), a bank that is majority-owned by the Irish govenrment. Are we heading for a neo Penal Law regime in this...

“A Change Will Do You Good”: Roderic O’Gorman’s 2004 Trans Treatise
Much maligned by the Irish people, Minister Roderic O’Gorman has become one of the most prominent members of the coalition government amidst the various controversial progressive policies he has patroned. Article contents:O’Gorman’s Nauseating Dáil RecordStrange BedfellowsTranssexual Propaganda from 20 Years...

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth Spends €1.3 Billion Since 2020
Publicly available on the government’s website is the expenditures list for the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth. Below it is represented in a graph which visibly demonstrates the massive surge in government spending induced in part by...

Leo The Loin Hearted Returns: A Taste of What Is To Come
Christmas has come early for Leo Varadkar who, having recently got his rocks off in a Dublin gay disco, has returned as Taoiseach, as chief of the Irish and, more particularly, of anyone else who rocks up in our green...

100% of Monkeypox Cases in Ireland from Gay Men, Where Sexual Identity Known
Latest figures from the HSE reveal a phenomenal 100% of monkeypox cases (where sexual orientation is given) arising from homosexual men. Documented in the latest epidemiology report from the HSE affiliated Health Service Protection Centre, a total of 97 monkeypox...

St. Teresa’s: What Led to a Dublin Church Flying the LGBT Flag
Last year The Burkean covered the flying of and the subsequent controversy around the raising of a LGBT flag to mark the month of Pride at a Ballyfermot church. Contravening stipulations allowing only the tricolour and Vatican flag to be...

Did Gulf Money Almost Stop Trinity From Flying the Pride Flag?
The raising of LGBT colours for the first time by Trinity College engendered a rather unusual news story the past week with alleged and mysterious pressure being placed upon the college not to do so. Reported initially by the Sunday...

Dublin Does Sodom and Gomorrah
Given the current state of Dublin's inner city, it seems the slums of a century and more ago have been painted over to cater to Sinn Féin's LGBT++ zeitgeist. Dublin, in a word, is a kip; it combines all of...

TUSLA Fostering Services Advertised Alongside ‘Glory Hole’ Sex Club
The Burkean can report that an advertisement for the state child services agency TUSLA was published in a magazine containing graphic promotional material for a sex club. Printed on page 113 of Issue 372 of GCN (Gay Community News) magazine,...

The Bloody Origins of Modern Trans and Gender Ideology
I’ve been around the block and I’m not easily shocked. But I was knocked sidewards and disgusted in equal measure this week when I saw a pic of a young girl who had a mastectomy done. It was like some...