LGB Alliance Ireland and Ireland’s New TERF Wars

Few could have ignored the sanguinary factional dispute among Irish progressives during the past few weeks over the apparent emergence of liberal TERF groups dedicated to overthrowing Ireland’s inordinately lax transgender laws. Not ones to take political dissonance lightly, the...

/ 15/11/2020

The Connolly Youth Movement is where the Left goes to die

“I have long been of opinion that the Socialist movement elsewhere was to a great extent hampered by the presence in its ranks of faddists and cranks, who were in the movement, not for the cause of Socialism, but because...

/ 23/09/2019

Denials and Misinformation on the Horror of the Gulags

Not too long ago, London’s Goldsmith LGBTQ+ Society described life in the Gulag system as “a rehabilitory one and self supporting, a far cry from the Western, capitalist notion of prison,” adding that “The Soviets did away with life sentences...

/ 24/09/2018
Paddy Manning, Douglas Murray, Milo Yiannopoulos, Peter Thiel.

Conservatism and the LGBT Movement

Paddy Manning, Douglas Murray, Milo Yiannopoulos and Peter Thiel. I wish everyone knew by now that being LGBT and Conservative, like the writer of this article, is possible. Must I name icons such as Douglas Murray, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Blaire...

/ 30/10/2017

Australian Referendum: An Inside Perspective

As I write my first article for this journal, I’m watching the ferries meander around Sydney’s Circular Quay and considering how a loose-lipped drag queen ended up prompting my latest visit down under. In early 2014, Rory O’Neill (aka Panti...

/ 01/10/2017