The Burkean can report that an advertisement for the state child services agency TUSLA was published in a magazine containing graphic promotional material for a sex club.

Printed on page 113 of Issue 372 of GCN (Gay Community News) magazine, the TUSLA advert appears alongside a notice for ‘Glamworld’, a sex club, the advertisment claims, offers services including ‘glory holes’, ‘Free Condoms Safe sex (sic)’, ‘viewing booths’, ‘free lube’, ‘Dark Room’, ‘Private Club’ and a so-called ‘Cruising Club’.

In between the two adverts was an article covering the history of sex toys.

The Tusla advertisement invites readers of the gay-orientated magazine to ‘find out more’ about their fostering service, inviting readers to an information session at the LGBT social centre ‘Outhouse’.

A private members’ sex club near Jervis Street Shopping centre, the ‘Glamworld’ ‘Private Members Club & Private Members Cruising Club,’ advertises its services with three half-naked men in suggestive poses, with LGBT colours included.

Also listed on the sex club advert published by GCN — alongside the TUSLA promotional image — was the notion that ‘Everything goes!!’ regarding the establishment.

Featured also is an article on the historic convictions of gay and bisexual men, which is listed as being penned by Minister for Justice Helen McEntee, a Fine Gael TD for Meath East.

The piece also reiterates her commitment to publishing a bill regarding hate crime legislation.

Meanwhile, adverts for both Sinn Féin and Fianna Fáil adorned in pride colours appeared, as well as an STD clinic and a seemingly HSÉ affiliated warning regarding Monkeypox, while page 59 promoted a guide to first aid at sex parties.

Patrons of GCN include the Department of Rural and Community Development, Accenture, EY, and the National Development Plan.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. I am glad there was an ad for monkeypox (Does the mask the gay guy on the cover protect against it?), given who is at risk of getting it. Good to see the Tusla ad too about how these guys take care of kids, even if not in the outhouse. As regards the SF and FF ads, I will make sure none of them come near me or my kids. No moneypox for us, thanks,


  2. Perhaps you should change your ad preferences and you wouldn’t see a Tusla ad while you’re checking out gay sex sites. This is the dumbest article I’ve ever seen. Spreading hatred through your own ignorant mistake.


    1. Plastic Paddy 14/06/2022 at 7:41 pm

      The article literally states it was in a “MAGAZINE” in the first paragraph. Imagine being more concerned about winning one over your ideological opponents than the wellbeing of children.


  3. Words sometimes fail to express the disgust at the thought of a child fostering agency places an ad in a publication for promiscuous and disturbing practices by people who have seemingly no boundaries.

    To quote and paraphrase Yuri Bezmenov ( shortened version). ‘The highest art of warfare is not to fight but to subvert a country from within’.


  4. Without govt “advertising ” , every radio station & print publication would be bankrupt in a week . Don’t bite the wallet that feeds .


  5. Ivaus@thetricolour 14/06/2022 at 10:39 am

    Children are not safe in Ireland, from a cradle to a grave. From President down,
    all politicians in govt. know the sordid affairs surrounding Tusla. O’Gorman as
    Child minister is totally aware of the mental abuse, by indoctrination of kids to
    sexual perversion and lgbtq transgender and identity,but his paedophile links to
    Peter Tatchell got him in the door.Not forgetting the lesbian witch that previously held that position,now hiding in the US. or that other pervert now in
    the Seanad -WARpaedo. Of coarse, the raging buffoon Mc Nutty,minister for
    Amnesty,gets her sticky beak in there too.
    If ever there was a time for the Church and Priests to redeem themselves,it’s way past the hour of making a stand,the damage done. And yet again, we focus on a Media that is not only responsible but guilty by their silence.
    When these scarred innocent minors grow up,if they somehow manage to
    overcome the obstacles and degenerate paths being paved for them by a sick
    Psychopathic bunch of turds…they will be out of control,they will be justified in
    Seeking redress and their controllers/abusers…will dread that day.
    Everybody in Ireland should become up in arms about this ABUSE/ABUSERS
    How in Gods name can Men and Women, Fathers and Mothers do SWEET FA


  6. Ivaus@thetricolour,

    I thank you for your expression of anger and disgust, which I hope I conveyed in my previous comment.

    Heads drooping in shame should be the physical expression of these disturbed people.


  7. Ivaus@thetricolour 16/06/2022 at 10:59 pm

    T Gilligan
    My thanks and respect to you sir, along with a multitude of people that speak
    Out against this sickening disgusting depravity,which has manifested itself
    into an Innocent Childs Burden. God almighty,I truly despair when I reflect on
    my childhood school days and struggle to think of a burden that occupied my
    thoughts ( how much ecker will I get ). There is no comparison to this present
    I would homeschool children now,until all responsible for this CRIME, from
    Teachers to Schools,right through the education system are made accountable
    for THEIR behavior…they are all criminals including govt.
    UN-fortunately it’s only the innocent heads that hang in shame,and I certainly
    feel that way. I never thought,in my lifetime that I would be so disgusted to be
    associated with an Ireland/Irish that has debased itself to the World.
    Yes, I would bring back hanging for such a guilty crime against OUR CHILDREN.


  8. Where is your evidence that this supposed advertisement for Tusla was even published in this magazine? Your rag of a website claims that it was, and yet the photograph of the supposed Tusla advertisement is not even on the shown to be part of said magazine. Your pitiful attempts at homophobia would be funny, if they weren’t so disgraceful.


    1. Ciaran Brennan 20/06/2022 at 10:47 am

      Hi Rory,

      The ad is featured in the recent edition of GCN available here on page 113, we also have a few physical copies


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