Tag: Migration

Newbridge Stands Firm

We spoke to Tom and Críostoir who are campaigning against the recent plantation that has beset Newbridge in County Kildare. They expressed distrust and frustration with the government and elected representatives over the blatant disregard and contempt the people of...

/ 29/01/2024

Government Use Dirty Tactics Against Anti-Asylum Protestors In Roscrea

Monday's scenes at the protest in Roscrea, Tipperary saw the biggest escalation so far in the State’s response to local opposition against incoming asylum centres, as dozens of Gardai from the public order unit was brought down from Dublin to...

/ 17/01/2024

Irish NGOs to be Given Policing Powers

"Local community safety partnerships" - Ireland's much-derided Migrant NGOs will get a role in policing - including what citizens can say. According to investigation from Extra.ie, embattled Minister for Justice Helen McEntee is facing a revolt from the government's senate...

/ 01/12/2023

Fact-Check: TD Paul Murphy Accusations Against Irish Twitter User

Why are politcians using Dáil privilege to make spurious claims about private citizens' beliefs? On Tuesday, People Before Profit TD Paul Murphy made a speech about social media activity around the stabbing incident of last week in which multiple people...

/ 01/12/2023

Conor McGregor Migration Tweets: Dogwhistle or Nationalist Embrace?

Over the past two years or so, it has become evident that there is at least one Irish celebrity partially on our side.  That celebrity being Conor McGregor. He has regularly posted tweets of an Irish nationalist nature even going...

/ 13/11/2023

Is the Gaza Crisis About to Propel Islamo-Populism in the UK?

“I had dreamt of no Islamic revolution in Britain but rather of a slow conversion, helped by an Islamic infiltration.” Anthony Burgess 1978 Bye-elections aside the British Labour Party is having a poor week. The centrist Labour leader Keir Starmer...

/ 20/10/2023

Paddy Cosgrave Did Nothing Wrong (About Israel)

The Web Summit founder has been forced to issue an apology for his tweets on the situation in Gaza. What was this all about, and was he right to say sorry? Over the past few days, a storm in a...

/ 17/10/2023

The Good, the Bad, and the Cringey: Post-mortem of the Dáil Protest

“I hate little wars,” said Wellington. So do we; and we hate still more a petty mob meeting without purpose, and dispersing without success. Perfect order, silence, obedience, alacrity, and courage make an assemblage formidable and respectable.” Thomas Davis: “Scolding...

/ 21/09/2023

Roma Gypsies in Ireland: 25 Years of Crime

With Alex Soros promising to use his father’s NGO empire to draw greater focus and concessions towards Roma Gypsies, the Burkean takes stock of part of this group’s recent history on our island. In a 1998 article for the Irish...

/ 11/09/2023

The Pegasus Plot: How Zionism Sapped Spanish Sovereignty

Both VOX and the general Spanish right are still licking their wounds a month after a snap election saw a grand coalition of populists and conservatives stumble at their overall objective of displacing the ruling socialist party (PSOE). Not the...

/ 03/09/2023