All posts by The Burkean

Newbridge Stands Firm

We spoke to Tom and Críostoir who are campaigning against the recent plantation that has beset Newbridge in County Kildare. They expressed distrust and frustration with the government and elected representatives over the blatant disregard and contempt the people of...

/ 29/01/2024

Ireland’s State-Owned Bank is a Woke, Trans, and anti-White Dystopia

The Burkean reports on leaked internal memos exposing the hyper woke and ethically shaky HR practices in Permanent TSB (PTSB), a bank that is majority-owned by the Irish govenrment. Are we heading for a neo Penal Law regime in this...

/ 22/01/2024

Fact-Check: Green Party Press Officer Claim About “Racist Irish Twitter Users”

The Claim: Manus Carlisle (Policy and Press Officer for Green Party MEP Grace O'Sullivan) yesterday claimed that a profile picture of an Ireland First account was used "hundreds of times by the same person spreading nonsense" and that "the large...

/ 18/01/2024

Government Use Dirty Tactics Against Anti-Asylum Protestors In Roscrea

Monday's scenes at the protest in Roscrea, Tipperary saw the biggest escalation so far in the State’s response to local opposition against incoming asylum centres, as dozens of Gardai from the public order unit was brought down from Dublin to...

/ 17/01/2024

Lankum Get Cancelled: When Irish Wokeness Meets Zionist Power

Proof that you don’t need to be a corporate big hitter like Paddy Cosgrave to get cancelled, pro-Palestinian sentiment claims a new Irish victim of it’s international cancel culture. This time, it’s in the form of Dublin based folk/avant-garde musical...

/ 08/12/2023

Irish NGOs to be Given Policing Powers

"Local community safety partnerships" - Ireland's much-derided Migrant NGOs will get a role in policing - including what citizens can say. According to investigation from, embattled Minister for Justice Helen McEntee is facing a revolt from the government's senate...

/ 01/12/2023

Media Mix-up: Potential Legal Action Against Virgin Media

Last night, Virgin Media aired a report on what they called the disinformation and incitement on social media surrounding the stabbing incident on Parnell Square and the angry scenes that followed. At one point in the broadcast, they play the...

/ 01/12/2023

Fact-Check: TD Paul Murphy Accusations Against Irish Twitter User

Why are politcians using Dáil privilege to make spurious claims about private citizens' beliefs? On Tuesday, People Before Profit TD Paul Murphy made a speech about social media activity around the stabbing incident of last week in which multiple people...

/ 01/12/2023

Irish Police Social Media Staff Are Promoting Antifa Tweets On Official Channels

Today, @GardaInfo and @GardaTraffic were seen liking posts from Antifa activist Charlotte O’Sullivan, tweeting about her being banned from her infamous Twitter page “Ireland Against Fascism”, an account notorious for harassment and threats against those on the political Right. The...

/ 28/11/2023

“You Reap What You Sow”: Kids Knifed, Wrath Felt

Burkean Editorial: As expected, the state, media, and Twitter peanut gallery have been shrieking about the events of last night while ignoring the nightmarish act that caused it. The reality of the situation is more complex, but can be reasonably...

/ 24/11/2023