Tag: Demographics

Roma Gypsies in Ireland: 25 Years of Crime
With Alex Soros promising to use his father’s NGO empire to draw greater focus and concessions towards Roma Gypsies, the Burkean takes stock of part of this group’s recent history on our island. In a 1998 article for the Irish...

Kinnegad: Arab Incels and Middle Class Cowardice
A dose of healthy racism could’ve quashed, or at the very least mitigated the ill-effects of, the current fiasco in Kinnegad. Spawned by its planter pollack gombeen owners selling it off for use by the Department of Children, ‘Harry’s Hotel’...

Fine Gael’s Drive for non-EEA Immigration
The Republic’s already lackadaisy immigration regime was crowbarred open just that bit wider yesterday with the announcement by Minister for Enterprise Damien English to liberalise the permit scheme for non-EEA workers. Potentially one of the most meaningful decisions for migration...

Liberties Mosque Decision Underlines Demographic Change in Dublin 8
The red bricked laneways and apartment blocks of the South Inner City Dublin have been visited by conspicuous demographic transition the past decade. Generally regarded as a solid working class area favourable to republican and left politics, since the Crash...

How Have Roma Gypsies Colonised North Inner City Dublin?
Visitors returning to the inner city in the post-pandemic period have been struck by the rather unsightly spectacle of throngs of Roma gypsy families dominating the Talbot Street and North O'Connell Street area. That patch of Dublin has been no...

As South Africa Teeters, Orania Soldiers on to Prosperity
The world bore witness to the combustible nature of the post-Apartheid South African state recently as the self styled Rainbow Nation wilted amid communal and political rioting over the month of July. Ostensibly driven by factional and tribal infighting within...

Statistics Warn of Ireland’s Looming Demographic Cliff
Ireland’s birth rate continues its free-fall decline as the country embraces social liberalism and abortion-on-demand. In 2020 there were just under 56,000 babies born in Ireland. To put the scale of Ireland’s abortion industry into context, in 2019 there were...

Irish Birth Rate Falls 24% in 5 Years
“In our time all Greece was visited by a dearth of children and generally a decay of population, owing to which the cities were denuded of inhabitants, and a failure of productiveness resulted, though there were no long-continued wars or...

A Vanishing Ireland
The Great Famine of the 1840s was undoubtedly the most catastrophic event in Ireland's history. With an estimated one million dead and another million lost to emigration, the population of the island fell by around 25% in the space of...

The UN’s Global Migration Compact is a Recipe for Bad Policy and Social Unrest
This week, an Irish delegation joins representatives of some one hundred and sixty nations in Marrakesh, Morocco, to sign the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Several countries, including the United States, Israel, Australia, Austria, Poland, Hungary, and...