Tag: Republicanism

BREAKING: Asylum Centre Blockades Have Spread to Another Town

As of 8pm, Sunday 21st, a blockade of a suspected site of new asylum plantation near the village of Scool, Co. Clare has begun. This follows a similar blockade nearby in Inch, Co. Clare. Locals stated that the blockade is...

/ 22/05/2023

Bodenstown or Downpatrick?

“We have come to the holiest place in Ireland; holier to us even than the place where Patrick sleeps in Down. Patrick brought us life, but this man died for us.” Those words were spoken at the grave of Wolfe...

/ 08/05/2023

The Ideals of Sarsfield’s Jacobitism do not belong in Modern Ireland

The following first appeared on the substack 'Creeve Rua' and is syndicated with the permission of the author. All those appreciative of Gaelic history and culture should naturally rejoice at the recent news that the remains of Jacobite hero Patrick Sarsfield...

/ 20/02/2023

Tommy Go Home! Keep British Grifters Away from Ireland

Contrast two images: In 2016 a collection of shady English EDL supporters, Polish ultras and Irish activists were roundly humiliated when they attempted to launch a branch of Pegida at the GPO. Badly planned as it was ideologically ill-fated, the...

/ 16/02/2023

Beware British Grifters

As grassroots opposition to the Irish regime's immigration policy begins to achieve notable success, the world is gazing on. While people in other European countries are being inspired by the Irish response, some unsavoury characters from the UK (including Tommy...

/ 08/02/2023

Up the Ra, Anglophobia and the Star Spangled Fenian

The following article first featured in the Gaelic American and is syndicated with permission of the author. After the Irish women’s soccer team was taped singing “Celtic Symphony” a couple of months ago, and more recently the Leinster Rugby stadium...

/ 08/01/2023

Éire Nua: Gaelic Corporatism’s Lost Future?

The following first appeared on Substack and is syndicated with the permission of the author. With the impending reality of the next Irish government being formed by Sinn Féin, I felt that it would be instructive to analyse some of...

/ 22/12/2022

Review: Mary Lou McDonald: A Republican Riddle

Mary Lou McDonald’s claim that Shane Ross’ biography is a screed that she could have rubbished during her summer holidays is one of her many claims that do not stack up. Ross’ biography is a solid piece of work evidenced,...

/ 15/12/2022

From Marxism to the Open Society: The Irish Stickie Story

The following piece first appeared on the Substack Creeve Rua and is syndicated with the permission of the author. This article establishes the timeline in which the Irish Left, epitomised by The Workers’ Party (or the Stickies, for short), abandoned...

/ 09/12/2022

Rose Dugdale: The Life of an Irish 68er

Seán O'Driscoll's riveting account of British aristocrat Rose Dugdale's topsy turvy life resembles a Monty Python thriller. Here is a niece of Oswald Mosley, a member of Britain's ruling elite, who had once prostrated herself in front of their Queen,...

/ 01/12/2022