Tag: far right

Germany: The Coup that Wasn’t?
Clocks were set back to 1919 this week with the German Bundesrepublik acting robustly to suppress plans to overthrow the state by Russian-backed nationalists, at least if authorities can be believed. Leading to the arrest of 27 Wednesday morning in...

Inside the German Fedposting Machine
The Bundersrepublik of Germany’s counter terror operations against the online far right were partially divulged this week in reportage by the left leaning Süddeutsche Zeitung daily. Focused upon the exploits of an unnamed female officer for the Federal Office for...

Civil Society Assemble! Maynooth Issues Report on Combating Right Wing Populism
Resisting the Far Right: Civil Society Strategies for Countering the Far Right in Ireland is a recent publication by the academic jokers of Maynooth University, which was once synonymous with the supposedly far right Catholic Church, before this obvious rot...

Right Wing Extremism in Ireland aka The State Wants Us to Do Something Stupid
The canon of Irish nationalism is replete with energised vanguards doing injury against an occupational and malign state. From Eoghan Ruadh Ó Néill to the Provisional movement, the pike has won the day over non-violent and certainly unromantic democratic methods...

The SPLC’s Irish Debut
Another weekend and another acronym as the Sunday Independent played host to yet another counter extremism think tank and their reportage on the dreaded yet still unformed ‘Irish far right’. The adroitly named Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE)...

A Marginal Understanding : Why Left Republican Analysis of the Irish Right Flops
When reading about the emergence of the ‘far-right’ in Irish political journalism and opinion pieces, one is left feeling like they’re in the film Groundhog Day. Generally, a quick once over a few Wikipedia pages serves as the research basis...

Defence Forces Retract Farcical Threat Assessment of Radical Right
The past year we’ve become accustomed to our state’s security apparatus warning about an as of yet non-existent terrorist threat from the so called far right. While the Oireachtas benches have not been graced by their first hard right parliamentarian,...