Tag: EU

Irish Defence Forces Will Return to Africa: Chief of Staff

Amidst the Defence Forces’ temporary retraction from its African intervention missions, the Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces, Lieutenant General Seán Clancy, has said in an interview with the Irish Times that he foresees future engagements and African...

/ 19/07/2023

Nature Restoration Law: Fine Gael Ignites the Fuse on Agrarian Populism?

What do Fine Gael MEPs and the Bavarian Communists have in common? Apparently a revulsion to sheep farmers (here, those west of the Shannon) as the socially demented Nature Restoration Law cleared the European Parliament today 324 votes to 312...

/ 12/07/2023

Ireland, the EU and the Superpower That Stumbled

Eurosceptics would do well to look beyond the totalitarian bluster of the EU to see a bloc struggling to keep its head above geopolitical water. While Europhilia remains just as toxic to Irish national aspiration as it was in 2021,...

/ 05/07/2023

Eurowars: Dumping of Veto Ties Ireland to EU Forever Wars

As the smoke from Sandwith Street cleared up Irish elites bolted over to Brussels in their earnest attempts to add another digit to the already worsening asylum fiasco. Iveagh House incumbent Micheál Martin led the way as he broached the...

/ 25/05/2023

Niall Collins’ Gaffe: “On The Ditch” and Ireland’s Looming Regime Change

“The real point is that all this doesn’t matter a fiddler's fart on the Cliffs of Moher to the country’s real problems.” - Breandán Ó hEithir  As the prospect of war grips most European cabinets, France teeters, and populist governments...

/ 09/05/2023

Yes to Europe? The EU’s War on the Irish Family

The following first appeared on the Substack ‘Creeve Rua’ and is syndicated with the permission of the author. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Ireland’s entry into the European Union, or as it was called then, the European Economic...

/ 14/04/2023

“Sous les pavés, chomâge.” What I saw at a French riot.

https://twitter.com/TheBurkeanIE/status/1646524050989260800 Bottles and bricks fly through the air from one side of the boulevard and smash into a policeman’s riot shield. Here and there the crowd keeps its distance from the heat of small bonfires that have been made out...

/ 13/04/2023

From Tanks to Think Tanks

When Churchill made his famous 'Iron Curtain' address, it seemed apposite to the zeitgeist of the time. Alas, now,  the curtain swaying across Central Europe, from the Baltic to the Bosphorus Straits, and from Bialystok to the Black Sea, is...

/ 28/02/2023

The Brahmins and the Border: Northern Protocol Debate Nears Potential End

Anglo-Irish relations, since a fallout over Brexit, are now orienting towards a short-term solution under the governments of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar. Both men, of Indian ethnic stock, by engaging in discussions over a...

/ 22/02/2023

Our Gallant Allies: How Will Irish Progressives Deal with Europe’s Turn Right?

With Ireland’s NGOcracy scrambling to put out fires at home, liberals took a minor spit take at the presence of An Taoiseach in Brussels hobnobbing with Órban and Meloni at this month's EU migration summit.  A standard tête-à-tête, it constituted...

/ 20/02/2023