Category: Ireland

Gunboats Off Valentia: Irish Media Bangs War Drum Against Russia

Oh, the Russians are on the sea, says the Shan Van Vocht and Ireland must entrench itself in more NATO warmongering. Irish tabloids took up the unusual cause of defending our neutrality this week amid anxiety over Russian naval exercises...

/ 27/01/2022

Is Female Homicide on the Rise in Ireland?

The media coverage surrounding Ashling Murphy has been the first story in a while that the media has designated as more important than Covid. This is a relief to many, but it leaves us with the question of why the...

/ 26/01/2022

TENI Is Hiring: Is Ireland’s Trans NGO on Death’s Door?

Visitors to this site may have noticed The Burkean's ongoing fixation with the trans charity TENI, both in their funding streams as well as their dubious accounting methods which previously precipitated a HSE funding block and some awkward resignations. For...

/ 25/01/2022

Hunger Strikers’ American Legacy

This article was originally syndicated in the recently launched Gaelic American and is syndicated with permission. Almost overlooked, in this 40th anniversary year, is the historic American legacy which the 1981 Hunger Strikers inspired. British officials who plotted to undercut...

/ 24/01/2022

Is Female Anxiety Being Weaponised in Ireland?

Friction between the genders is a barren pursuit. At an instinctual level I can never trust a man with a psychological loathing of the opposite sex beyond an understandable level of lived cynicism.  Perhaps it's the white knight in me...

/ 17/01/2022

Lucy Michael Finds God? Diversity Lobby Comes for Irish Anglicanism

Is God a white man? How many frumpy Fingal feminists can dance on the head of a pin? Such theological questions and more may be meditated upon by Dr Lucy Michael as she is tasked by the Anglican Church in...

/ 14/01/2022

Did the Irish Invent Bolshevism? Aodh de Blácam’s Gaelic Socialism

“Lenin and Trotsky in Russia battling against lies and force; Labour struggling against its self-appointed tyrants; the Gaelic tongue striving against the foreign jargon; Ireland striving against England all are but phases of the single war that still rages undecided,...

/ 13/01/2022

Is the State Buying Radio Coverage with Pandemic Subsidies?

No matter where you turn the dial it's been hard to escape covidmania on Irish airwaves. From looping reminders to get vaccinated to blanket news coverage on a pandemic approaching its second anniversary. We’ve been stuck in a Wuhan state...

/ 12/01/2022

EU Recognition Suffocates Irish Revival

“The speaking of Irish is not an end but a means to an end: the end is Nationality.” – Pádraig Mac Piarais Non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment in Irish is ráta dífhostaíochta gan éifeacht ar bhoilsciú. Phenylazobenzene in Irish is...

/ 08/01/2022

Intel Dumps €80 Billion Irish Investment Over Energy Concerns

Under normal circumstances the state’s industrial planners ought to be seeing red over the weekend scoop by the Business Post revealing the shelving of plans to move the production of microchips to Ireland by Intel. Originally in contention with Poland...

/ 04/01/2022