Category: Articles

Ireland’s Approach to National Security is in Dire Need of Overhaul
If there is one area of public spending nobody seems to care about, it is arguably the most important and the least ideological. We can argue until the cows come home on the merits, the costs and benefits of State...

Why I Left the Left
Even as I start to write this article, I feel that the title of it is slightly misleading. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, who when asked why he left the Democratic Party to become a Republican, replied “I didn’t leave the...

The Necessity of the Irish Nation-State
I find truth in the observation that from the 1960’s onwards the scholars and thinkers of Ireland, and those unfortunate enough to unwittingly consume their opinions, elevated the external and the imported over the domestic and native. Persuaded by the...

The Genius of Eoghan Ruadh Ó Néill
Eoghan Ruadh Ó Néill was born some time in the 1580s. He left for Spain in his youth, and took up service in the Spanish military. The Ulster that Ó Néill grew up in was a destitute place in the...

Why The Good Friday Agreement Will Fail
“Secular liberals and socialists expected tribal passions would gradually disappear, while improved means of communication and a better scientific understanding of the universe would take its place. But it turned out not to be so.” - Leszek Kolakowski Ireland’s Fukuyama...

What Happened to ‘Innocent Until Proven Guilty’?
The author of this article is a barrister with many years of experience. Back on 5th November 2018, in a rape trial in Cork, the trial's defence counsel in her closing speech to the jury used the following words: “Does...

Irish Conservatives and Nationalists Need a Mythos
There is much that can be said about Peter Hitchen's 2010 book, The Rage Against God, that is relevant to modern Ireland. Though the author delivers a critique of secularism from the platform of his Anglican faith, the trends that...

The Sex Industry Debate: Individual Rights vs Society
‘My body, my choice’ and ‘my life, my decision.’ These are slogans that we have heard or even uttered ourselves for decades. But when it comes to matters such as prostitution, pornography, and other roles in the adult entertainment industry,...

Israel and the Occupied Territories Bill: Defending Against Replacement
The Occupied Territories Bill has passed the second stage of voting in the Dáil, with 78 votes in favour and 45 against. It was originally proposed by independent senator Frances Black and has since passed through the Seanad and come...

The Resurrection of Hungary: A Modern Parallel for Ireland
“The new state that we are building is an illiberal state, It does not deny foundational values of liberalism, such as freedom, etc. But it does not make this ideology a central element of state organization, but applies a specific,...