Category: Articles

A Vanishing Ireland
The Great Famine of the 1840s was undoubtedly the most catastrophic event in Ireland's history. With an estimated one million dead and another million lost to emigration, the population of the island fell by around 25% in the space of...

Lessons from Fiction: Sauron and the State
The Lord of the Rings ranks as one of the greatest works of fiction of all time. Few great stories would be complete without a great villain – and J.R.R Tolkien’s masterpiece is no exception. In Sauron, the eponymous Lord...

Andrew Yang: Next President of the United States?
Donald Trump has been an interesting president. Since his election in 2016, he has served as a voice (though not a very eloquent one) for a growing Right-wing across the western world. A voice for people who are unhappy with...

Atlanticism and Ireland’s Post-Brexit Dilemma
Brexit and the English Connection: In cynical geopolitical terms, Ireland exists as the Western European equivalent of Belarus. An English speaking cultural appendage of Anglo-America surviving off FDI and with a monetary policy set in Brussels. For all the fanfare...

Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv
Why Ireland should recognise Israel’s capital. I feel the need to preface this article with a few statements. I am not pro-Israel, I am not someone who always argues Israel’s corner, and I hold some very serious grudges with that...

Populism in Our Local and European Elections
A populist is defined as “a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of the ordinary people.” This may be one of the most abused terms in the history of politics. We in Ireland suffer...

It’s Time to Disaffiliate From the USI
At the beginning of each year students across Ireland pay their college and university fees. Incorporated into these lump sums is the standardised €8 membership fee for the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). This organisation purports to represent 374,000...

The Burkean’s Guide to the Trinity Student Union Elections
Let me ask you a question comrade: What’s the difference between The Catholic Church and Trinity’s Student Union? The former massively out of touch organisation doesn’t pretend to be democratic. The SU however have firmly kept to the claim that...

The New Gender Recognition and Education Bills are Ideology Not Policy
Recently, RTE’s Prime Time saw the programme tackle gender identity; an increasingly contentious issue in Irish society. Despite offering various perspectives, the show was attacked by transgender activists, who started the hashtag ‘TurnOffPrimeTime.’ Such hashtags should be viewed as an...

Enviroment, Ignorance, and Gender Imbalances
This article concerns a lecture given in Trinity by former President Mary Robinson on the topic of climate change, and the political observations from analysing it and its attendees. I wasn’t exactly planning on going to any talks this week....