Tag: US

How Sinn Féin Controls the Irish-American Press
The main Irish-American print newspapers of note are The Irish Echo and The Irish Voice. In terms of e-media, the main Irish-American outlet is IrishCentral.com, which is a “sister-publication” to The Irish Voice. Traditionally The Echo and The Voice have...

After Trump: The State of Democracy in America 2020
As America approaches a general election, it is worth examining it’s politics, and Irish people’s attitude to them. Irish people have more of an affinity with the Democrats because we are spoon-fed their culture, and therefore are inclined to the...

Review: The Hunt – A Hollywood Movie with A Conservative Hero
SPOILER ALERT! IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ‘THE HUNT’ (2020), YOU MAY NOT WISH TO READ ON. One thing I really miss about life post lockdown are the Arts. On a regular basis I would go to the cinema or theatre...

Floyd Riots: A Critique of Impotent Rage, and the Future of Black Nationalism
There have been two main responses to the recent demonstrations in Minneapolis and other US cities. The first is that the rioting is justified to a greater or lesser extent. This stems usually from some argument that the destruction of...

A Look at the 2020 Democratic Primaries
Biden vs. Bernie: All of the major 2020 Democratic candidates for president of the United States have formally launched their campaigns. It is an extremely diverse field. We have an octogenarian socialist who owns three houses, terrorist sympathizers, and a...