Tag: Pro-Life

“They lied. They misled you.” — Rethink Abortion Rally Held Outside Leinster House
The Life Institute's "Rethink Abortion" rally took place outside Leinster House last night. The protest came in light of the ongoing review of the 2018 abortion legislation. Attracting a crowd of around 300, the protest sought to draw attention to the...

Triumph of the Repeal: RTÉ Airs Pro-Abortion Propaganda Film
The 2018 referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment in Ireland will be remembered for decades, if not centuries, as a turning point in Irish history. Its passing marked the definitive end of Holy-Joe hegemony in Ireland, which had long been...

Rally for Life: How Fares Pro-Life Politics in 2021?
The now annual Rally for Life took place yesterday, Saturday 3rd, outside the GPO. The timing of this year’s rally coincided with the stark news earlier in the week that abortions had continued apace throughout 2020 with over 6 and...

The Rush to Introduce Abortion Shows it Was Always About Politics
As the introduction of widespread abortion looms ever closer, the journey towards becoming this brave new Ireland suddenly appears to be fraught with difficulties. Before the referendum in May, Government politicians and pro-choice activists went to great lengths to accentuate...

Burke’s Right Minds: Niamh Uí Bhriain – Progressive Nationalist
Burke’s Right Minds is a project exploring and promoting viewpoints within the conservative intellectual sphere, jointly run by The Burkean and the Edmund Burke Institute. Why I am a progressive nationalist: I’ve spent most of my adult life working to...

Does Peadar Tóibín’s New Movement Stand a Chance?
New parties have not fared well in Ireland historically. All of the leading parties were established by 1933, and the impact of newcomers has tended to be slight and short-lasting. Contrast this with France, where the En Marche movement captured...

The Abortion Bill and Conscientious Objection
The abortion Bill presented by Minister Simon Harris is now before the Oireachtas where numerous amendments have been tabled. Some deal specifically with the issue of conscientious objection and want to offer it better protection. The Bill envisages that doctors...

Burke’s Right Minds: David Quinn – Social Conservative
Burke’s Right Minds is a project exploring and promoting viewpoints within the conservative intellectual sphere, jointly run by The Burkean and the Edmund Burke Institute. A few years ago I was addressing an audience along with Michael McDowell. I described...

The Burkean Interviews Maria Steen of the No Campaign
Maria Steen is at the forefront of the pro-life campaign in Ireland, and she is urging a No vote in the upcoming referendum on the Eighth Amendment tomorrow on May 25th. She is a spokeswoman for the Iona institute and...

A Halloween Fright in the Abortion Debate
Halloween has descended once more. I sit here at my desk and watch the usual rituals unfold. The same tired old horror movies are rolled out. Somewhat questionable costumes are donned, offending the left with their purported racism and offending...