Tag: Populism

James Fintan Lalor: Irish Proto-Populist?
“…We find principles of action and of society which have within them not only the best plan of campaign suited for the needs of a country seeking its freedom through insurrection against a dominant nation, but also held the seeds...

German Elections: Did the Centre Hold?
In Brendan Simms’ 2013 work Europe: The Struggle for Supremacy, he argued that the geopolitical history of Europe since the fall of Constantinople could be boiled down to the question of mastery over Germany. The land of the Rhein, Oder,...

Paddy’s Populist Pivot — Is Cosgrave Our Guy?
What to do when yuppies go rogue? That must be the question ruminated upon by elements of our government at the political noises being made by former tech golden boy Paddy Cosgrave, famous by way of the ill fated Web...

Junge Freiheit: How Germany Built a Populist Press
Founded by a coterie of nationalist students against a prevailing ethos of left-liberalism on campuses, Junge Freiheit (Young Freedom) has been an instrumental outlet for the German Right for over 30 years. Occupying an intersection between the Conservative, Populist and...

“Our Misery and Despair”-Denis Kearney’s Plea for Nativism 1878
A Cork born Californian trade unionist, Denis Kearney's historical existence posits some degree of awkwardness for those using the Irish Famine as a legitimising device for contemporary mass immigration. Fleeing poverty at home Kearney made a name for himself for...

George Galloway — Harbinger of Islamic Populism in Britain?
Another brick almost fell out of the British Labour Party’s electoral wall last week with a knife edge contest fought in the Batley and Spen by-election. Narrowly avoiding an electoral humbling for Labour, the election acts as a harbinger for...

In Defence of Conservatism
About twelve years ago, I wrote a fantasy novel by the title The Black Feather. It remains unpublished, which I put down to the fact that it is unpublishable — not to mention unreadable. It was a blast of the...

Lessons from Europe: The Netherlands
Over the coming decades Ireland will be facing extreme demographic changes, requiring the nationalist right to move quickly to achieve our political goals. We do not have time to take a wrong step. Strategy is key to winning within the...

Damage Control: Gombeen Media vs Ireland’s Surging Populism
Watching the mainstream trying to understand the Irish Right is like watching a communist trying to understand why capitalism hasn't collapsed yet. While they proclaim expertise in the area, in reality their ideology prevents them from understanding anything of substance,...

Protests and the Irish Right: A Harmful Indulgence
Protests and street-action have recently captured the imagination of many on the Irish Right. The desire to stage protests is not a new one, but an old one finally realised. The decimation of an effective left-wing opposition at a street...