Tag: Irish Politics

A Republic Without Ceremony: Ritual and the Irish State
The mourners massing to slowly shuffle past the remains of Elizabeth the Second in London’s Westminster Hall are drawn by more than just macabre fixation. A dull wooden box laying in a dusty hall inside a crumbling palace would do...

Terence MacSwiney Centenary: Modern Ireland and Historical Revisionism
Today marks the centenary of Terence MacSwiney’s death while in prison during the War of Independence. A playwright, poet, mayor of Cork and IRA commander, MacSwiney passed away after 74 days on hunger strike, bringing worldwide attention to the nationalist...

Thomas Davis on Patriotism as a Civic Virtue
The following is an extract from the famous patriotic speech given by the Young Ireland founder and nationalist journalist Thomas Davis to Trinity College’s The Hist, of which he was acting president at the time. Typifying the brand of mature...

The Erasure of Western History
Remember when you were told that slippery-slope arguments are fallacious? Such a style of argument became particularly relevant during the last decade, often invoked by the right and ridiculed by the left. A slippery-slope argument was at the core of...

Irish Antifa Project: Conclusion
Entering into this project we had a series of strategic objectives to attain, in order to make the project worth our while. Firstly, we wanted to show that even complacent leftist apparatchiks, who are ensconced in a world of established...

Irish Antifa Project: Dylan O’Connell – Journalist
This is the latest part of an undercover investigation into the tacit and sometimes overt support for antifascist harassment among elements of the Irish media and political class. We advise you to listen to all leaked audio and read all...

Political Pizza
Finding it difficult to make sense of #GE2020? Going by the fact that on a good day, about one out of every three voters won’t even bother voting, it looks like you’re not alone. There is a theory that everything...

Why Do We Let The Left Own Irish Culture
In February of 2018, Hermann Kelly, now the leader of the Irish Freedom Party, organised an Irexit conference in Dublin’s RDS, at which Nigel Farage was the main speaker. The event received much coverage in the Irish media, and also...

The Policy of Mass Immigration is Incompatible with Sustainable Housing
The most well-known political issue in Ireland today is the housing crisis. A crisis of an overcrowded rental and property market, with record breaking rip-off prices. A crisis exacerbated by the continued expansion of luxury tourist accommodation as opposed to...

Irish Republicanism has Exhausted Itself
Twenty years of peace has done more to harm the fortunes of Irish republicanism than thirty years of warfare. Republicanism in 2019 finds itself between the Scylla and Charybdis, of bungling dissidents and a post-nationalist Sinn Féin. The botched murder...