Entering into this project we had a series of strategic objectives to attain, in order to make the project worth our while. 

Firstly, we wanted to show that even complacent leftist apparatchiks, who are ensconced in a world of established privilege, were vulnerable to being felled by a faceless stranger on a mobile phone. 

The second objective was to accrue intelligence on their nexus of power. We wanted to show how such a structure extended from the college campus up through the world of journalism and all the way up to the Oireachtas floor. 

Ultimately though, the goal of the entire project was to show, in all its ugly glory, the lengths this 5th column will go to in order to marginalise political opponents. In doing this, we hoped to ultimately wound a system that has hurt so many good people. 

In this respect we can safely say the Irish Antifa Project was a success. The project claimed a major scalp in the form of a disgraced USI Vice President, and also has opened up the door to multiple academic complaints. Although these two achievements might not seem like much, symbolically they are great legitimizing force for this project, as well as for this publication. 

The Burkean had been deemed either too irrelevant or too extreme to ever cause trouble for these people. Our journalists have since shown that nothing could be further from the truth. The Irish Antifa Project has exposed the future members of the Irish establishment for the corrupt gombeens they are. 

While mouthpieces for the ruling progressive junta try to explain away this project, the psychological impact remains. 

The Burkean has drawn first blood against the established powers, and everyone knows it. 

If one high profile official is forced to resign in disgrace, and a variety of officials and personalities are left red-faced today, then what happens tomorrow? 

Antifascism in Ireland is a surprisingly schismatic business, with a general divide between Irish republican elements and what can charitably be termed radical liberals.

The road ahead for the radical right in Ireland in dealing with these groups will involve a lot more guerrilla journalism in the years to come.

During the past half-century, our opponents have built themselves ivory towers in which to lord over this country, and the prior tactics of open opposition have exhausted themselves. It is time to abandon old methods and instead look to the philosophy of Barry and Collins.

Conservatism for most of our lives, if it can be said to have existed in this country at all, has been doomed to rearguard action against an opponent already hegemonic at every level of Irish life. For an Irish right to arise, it must realize that it is fighting a more established enemy. To that end, it must be first willing to deal in cloak-and-dagger before it can fight in the open. The Irish Antifa Project has shown how successful such methods can be.

In regards to the data we have recovered, sadly Ireland is a litigious society, and so over half of what we uncovered on the corruption in this society will sadly remain for our eyes only. Perhaps, if situations change, we will be able to reveal more of the shocking information that we gathered over the last few months.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. John Bowler 17/05/2020 at 6:17 pm

    Bravo and well done, one and all!

    Living proof that proper investigative journalism (particularly in Ireland) is not dead after all, despite several premature obituaries.

    We raise a glass to you all! Keep up the great work. You make us PROUD!


  2. Thank you for an enlightening series, although I would have been surprised if you’d found anything different.

    You were, in effect, the Stasi (or worse… far, far worse), and all it took was simple phone call and into a fissure to Damnation they stepped without resistance.


  3. Ian Mc Namara 18/05/2020 at 12:59 am

    Excellent work, was truly gobsmacked at their narcissism and naivety and somewhat disturbed at the willingness to accept physical harm of People.
    We need to share this truth with others, sharing is caring


  4. Christopher Hicks 18/05/2020 at 1:43 am

    There is a book by John Costello – Mask of Treachery – which details the up and coming “leaders” in the early 20th century in England. If one wants to see how they work the book is well worth a read. I do believe you will know many of the “hows” one comes to power by the left. You also should use the term “radical left” in place of radial liberals. At least liberals are willing to listen to your side without violence – both verbal and physical.
    Keep up the good work…


  5. What I found particularly funny about this project was when you revealed who you were a lot of the more vocal lefties on twitter automatically said ah yeah we knew and you could see this from a mile off that it was a set up.

    Well done for showing that university campuses are far from the tolerant bastions they allege themelves to be. I’m slightly disconcerted though my alma mater has become so toxic to people who’ve differing view points.


  6. Thanks you burkean for all you brilliant work on exposing these traitors and the depth they will go to just to get people fired from the job or worse.


  7. Brian Morgan 19/05/2020 at 9:02 pm

    Yes, well done! From my perspective in America our Antifa wing is nowhere to be found. They are either (a) frightened of catching COVID-19, or (b) have approved of their respective Democratic governors state lockdowns so there is nothing to protest. We expect them to arise again once normal Americans regain their Constitutional freedoms. How delightful.


    1. you spoke too soon 😉


    2. notimportant 14/06/2021 at 1:50 am

      They never went away. They’ve been terrorizing Minnesota and other parts of the Midwest, Oregon, Washington, the south, and parts of the Northeast this whole time.

      They have a military-style armed “autonomous zone” in Minneapolis, armed “security” who stop cars while pointing guns at them, and everything else. Open your eyes.


  8. peadar macmillan 19/05/2020 at 9:20 pm

    I would like to say thank you to the Burkean for the investigative work carried out to date. Much of what has been revealed will prove valuable as Patriots progress. I agree, cloak and dagger is a tactic used by a manipulative and devious administration. To use it back requires information fundamentally, the Burkean has provided it’s fair share.


  9. Minor textual corrections:

    In this respect we can safely say the Irish Antifa Project was a success.[ ]The project claimed a major scalp in the form of a disgraced USI Vice President, and also has opened up the door to multiple academic complaints.[ ]Although these two achievements might not seem like much, symbolically they are great legitimizing force for this project, as well as for this publication.

    Antifascism in Ireland is a surprisingly schismatic business, with a general divide between Irish republican elements and what can [be] charitably termed radical [Leftists].

    Conservatism for most of our lives, if it can be said to have [existed] in this country at all, has been [doomed] to rearguard action against an opponent already hegemonic at every level of Irish life.


    1. The Burkean 26/05/2020 at 1:36 pm

      Fixed the noted errors. Thanks for the heads-up.


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