Tag: Ireland 2040

Ireland’s Demographic Peril: A Report from Hungary’s Demographics and the Family Conference
Until recently, known throughout the world for their faith, fecundity and large families, the Irish people now have a falling birth rate which stands below simple replacement level. Consciously deciding to have a child is not just an expression of...

The Unbearable Whiteness of Dalkey
I’ll get straight to the point. The uber-wealthy town of Dalkey on the south coast of Dublin is whiter than the driven snow and it’s unbearable. The true victims of this festering reality are of course the residents of Dalkey...

The Day Report: New Plan to Promote Cheap Labour into Ireland
A new report was released by the Government on Wednesday detailing how the current system of Direct Provision in Ireland should be abolished. A new much more liberalised system is recommended to be put in its place at a time...

Damage Control: Varadkar’s Dabbling with Rightist Populism
Last week, Leo Varadkar did something a little unexpected. He published a tweet seemingly bemoaning Sinn Féin’s new disdain for white middle class men. I say a little, because, when considering the context, Varadkar’s new found desire to stand up...

Will the Soul Survive Covid-19
The former Chief of Staff for Barack Obama’s White House once chimed ‘You never let a serious crisis go to waste’. Such thought is apt for the current global COVID-19 virus. The response from various countries has been similar in...

The Weight of Banality
Facts don’t care about your feelings. The phrase, associated with the American right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro, has by now become something of a cliché among conservatives. It’s usually aimed at “snowflake” liberals who (as the theory goes) prioritise emotion over...

Ireland needs a Left Government for Populism to Rise
This Saturday marks a potential shuffle in the electoral deck of cards in the 26 county state, but not in the way one might think. Since the gunmen went away, Irish elections have never really mattered, and even less so...

Election 2020: A Vision For the Coming Decade
The general election is of both great importance and no importance at the same time. It is of no importance because the difference between the parties is very narrow, and virtually all have been rendered uniform by the State-NGO complex. Given...

CERD19: Cat Lady Totalitarianism On Display
The following is the second in a multipart series examining the influence of Ireland’s inordinately sized NGO sector in the realm of policy formation, particularly in the areas of hate speech legislation and anti-racism advocacy. This segment casts an eye...

Elections, Europe, and Irish Freedom: A Talk With Hermann Kelly
The European Union is not the immutable behemoth it once was. The political bloc, although once appearing to be seemingly invincible, is starting to show its cracks. Largely as a result of the 2015 migrant crisis, as well as the...