Tag: Donald Trump

Time for Ireland to Say Goodbye to Pax Americana
2020 — The American Bogside? As dawn breaks on election day in America never has a modern presidential contest had such little grip on the global attention span. While no way short of drama and meddling by Big Tech and...

After Trump: The State of Democracy in America 2020
As America approaches a general election, it is worth examining it’s politics, and Irish people’s attitude to them. Irish people have more of an affinity with the Democrats because we are spoon-fed their culture, and therefore are inclined to the...

What makes Hillary Clinton or her daughter an authority on “gutsy women”?
Ever since losing the US Presidency to Donald Trump back in 2016, Hillary Clinton has been keeping herself busy. Tweeting out against her former opponent’s administration. Speaking at various functions and junkets all around the world. Writing a couple of...

Andrew Yang: Next President of the United States?
Donald Trump has been an interesting president. Since his election in 2016, he has served as a voice (though not a very eloquent one) for a growing Right-wing across the western world. A voice for people who are unhappy with...