Category: University

Revisionism Against the State: UCD’s Gentle Revolution and Irish Elite Formation
What are the contemporary ideological characteristics of the modern Irish state? The answer to such a question appears difficult to place in the complex history of the Republic's current statelet government yet may be studied with reference to the overlapping...

UCD Student Union’s Indian Mafia
An underground Indian intelligence network appears to be in formation within UCDSU. The intended goal: an unholy alliance between dissatisfied Brahmins and the flamboyant homosexual cartel that is the SU. At the SU’s first meeting for the academic year, one...

USI Waste Student Time on Asylum Crusade
Judging by this recent RTE report, USI’s recent housing protest was impressive in terms of quantity, if not quality. As the crowds that gathered at Trinity’s Dining Hall Steps, where they were addressed by student union leaders and senior academics,...

Trinity: University Times in Turmoil Over Editorial Dispute
Habitually plagued by scandal and maladministration, the editor of TCD’s University Times Ailbhe Noonan is facing sustained calls for their resignation from both within and outside of the publication. In a public letter Sunday it was revealed that there was...

Ireland’s Foreign Policy Stagnation on Display at UCD Event
As a consequence of an increasingly unstable international situation throughout the past decade, contemporary European foreign policy has begun to change. Since the end of the Second World War, and exacerbated by the collapse of the Soviet Union, European interests...

Civil Society Assemble! Maynooth Issues Report on Combating Right Wing Populism
Resisting the Far Right: Civil Society Strategies for Countering the Far Right in Ireland is a recent publication by the academic jokers of Maynooth University, which was once synonymous with the supposedly far right Catholic Church, before this obvious rot...

Reddit Science and the Broken Irish University Model
Science is gay – we all know it but only few acknowledge it. The world is gay, so science, the study of the world, must be too. One of the fundamental flaws of tertiary education in Ireland is complete ignorance...

Left Wing Advocacy Groups Advertises Student Role at €1.78 an Hour
Specialising in the production of progressive audio-visual content and campus activism, ‘STAND’ is a little known website and advocacy group funded through the Department of Foreign Affairs and their Irish Aid programme. Existing under the umbrella of the Suas Educational...

Agent Viktor: Does the Irish Visa System Provide an Open Door for Foreign Espionage?
The rumbling of a Russian sleeper spy by Dutch security forces presents some salient questions for the country in light of our infamously lax language school sector. Sergey Vladimirovich Cherkasov operating under the moniker ‘Viktor Muller Ferreira’ posed as a...

Will Irish Students Lose Out Amid Asylum Surge in September?
Food for thought: The decision yet again to postpone Leaving Cert results this year could possibly mask a government attempt to buy time as the ongoing asylum surge looks set to muscle Irish students from the accommodation market. Ostensibly driven...