Before we delve into this article, I would like to thank the seething liberals for making this one of the easiest I have ever written. Their hundreds, if not thousands, of articles “slating” Morrissey provided me with all the resources I needed and after reading through much of this rubbish, I think it’s high time a positive article on Morrissey was produced, and so here we are.

“That was the problem with the ‘celibate’ word because they don’t consider for a moment that you’d rather not be, but you just are. I was never a sexual person.”
— Morrissey,
Morrissey was born in gloomy Manchester on 22 May 1959 to Irish parents who had emigrated from Dublin a year earlier. He grew up in the working class area of Davyhulme, something which inspired his lyrics greatly. He attended St. Wilfred’s Primary School and St. Mary’s Secondary School although he loathed his time there and was even Pearse-pilled on the English education system, stating: “The education I received was so basically evil and brutal. All I learnt was to have no self-esteem and to feel ashamed without knowing why”. He did however excel in athletics in school – something that leaves me wondering if Morrissey is the real Cultured Thug, and not Conor McGregor? I will discuss this further in a separate article perhaps.
In May 1982 The Smiths were established after Johnny Marr knocked on Morrissey’s door and asked him if he’d like to co-form a band. The two had met previously at a gig a few years back, and both were involved in the Manchester punk scene. Morrissey was the one who came up with the name for the band and when he was asked where the name came from he replied (in what was to become typical Morrissey fashion) that “it was the most ordinary name and I thought it was time that the ordinary folk of the world showed their faces”.
The band released their first album in 1984 titled simply “The Smiths” and in the same year, it was revealed Morrissey was an IRA supporter. Commenting on the Brighton Hotel bombing: “the only sorrow of it was that Thatcher escaped unscathed”. The Smiths went on to release four albums until they, rather sadly, disbanded in 1987 in what turned out to be an ugly break up with all four members ending up in court over royalties owed. Ironic given Morrissey’s hatred for the royals.
The song “Pretty Girls Make Graves” features on The Smiths first album and cements Morrissey as the Original Volcel. It’s about a sensitive young man batting away the advances of a lustful young lady. “Upon the sand, upon the bay ‘There is a quick and easy way’ you say before you illustrate I’d rather state I’m not the man you think I am”. Growing tired of the man’s loyalty to volceldom, she deserts him for another man leaving our volcel to fully embrace misogyny: “Another man, he takes her hand a smile lights up her stupid face and well, it would I lost my faith in womanhood.”
Remaining on the topic of womanhood, Morrissey is not a fan of Madonna, someone considered the ultimate “girlboss” by the libs today and especially during the nineties. He launched a scathing attack on her back in 1997: “Madonna reinforces everything absurd and offensive. Desperate womanhood. Madonna is closer to organised prostitution than anything else”. One may even refer to Madonna as a “dizzy whore” (real Smiths fans will get the reference).
In light of the Harvey Weinstein #MeToo movement, Morrissey was quick to call out the hypocrisy of Hollyweird, with many celebtards sharing stories of how they always knew what Weinstein was up to, not realising this makes them look equally execrable. “People know exactly what’s going on, and they play along. Afterwards, they feel embarrassed or disliked. And then they turn it around and say: ‘I was attacked, I was surprised’. But if everything went well, and if it had given them a great career, they would not talk about it.”
One argument you will hear many a liberal make is that Morrissey betrayed his fanbase by switching sides and going from left to right wing. I beg to differ, take this quote from 1986 for example where in an interview with Mojo he told them that there was a “black pop conspiracy” which was keeping the Smiths out of the charts whilst labelling reggae as “the most racist music in the entire world” and that he “detests black modern music”. Does this sound like something the loony left would say, even back then, before they completely lost their marbles? I don’t believe so.
In fact, Morrissey has never been one to shy away from the topic of race. In an interview published on his website in 2018, he was asked how he feels when someone calls him a racist. He replied that “when someone calls you racist, what they are saying is ‘hmm, you actually have a point, and I don’t know how to answer it, so perhaps if I distract you by calling you a bigot we’ll both forget how enlightened your comment was.'” It is a tactic we see from the left constantly, shouting insults at ordinary citizens who have genuine concerns.
Furthermore, in a 2019 interview also published on his site, Morrissey is questioned on his support for Anne Marie Waters, leader of For Britain. In his reply he said “If you call someone racist in modern Britain you are telling them that you have run out of words. You are shutting the debate down and running off. The word is meaningless now. Everyone ultimately prefers their own race… does this make everyone racist?… Diversity can’t possibly be a strength if everyone has ideas that will never correspond. If borders are such terrible things then why did they ever exist in the first place? Borders bring order”. Morrissey to run for Prime Minister as the law and order candidate when?
Politicians and Celebtards
When it comes to politicians and celebtards, Morrissey is not very fond of many, especially the likes of Sadiq Khan, Dianne Abbot and Stormzy (remember the Stormzy Dublin mural? I am become cringe).
Commenting on Khan’s speech, he said “London is debased. The Mayor of London tells us about ‘Neighborhood policin’ – what is ‘policin”? He tells us London is an ‘amazin” city. What is ‘amazin”? This is the Mayor of London! And he cannot talk properly! I saw an interview where he was discussing mental health, and he repeatedly said ‘men’el’, he could not say the words ‘mental health’. The Mayor of London! Civilisation is over!” (New Right Wing lingo dropped, “debased” and “civilization is over”).
Asked if he has ever voted and perhaps teasing he is a democracy-disrespector, he clarified “No, I haven’t ever voted. I don’t have sufficient faith in the circus of politics and you can see why! It is a moral disaster on every level. Even Tesco wouldn’t employ Diane Abbott”. Personally, I find this insulting to Tesco grafters.
In 2019 after Stormzy “performed” at Glastonbury, Morrissey reposted a video from a fan to his site titled “Nothing But Blue Skies For Stormzy … The Gallows For Morrissey” showing that the British multimedia complex promoted multiculturalism over their own culture. The clip showed headlines fawning over Stormzy’s “performance” contrasting with negative headlines about Morrissey’s support of For Britain. It ruffled many feathers with Billy Bragg (who?) labelling it a “white supremacist video”. We love to see it!
Not one to cower from topics considered controversial in our watered-down times, Morrissey has had plenty to say regarding immigration. When asked if he would ever consider moving back to the UK during an interview with NME in 2007, he replied “With the issue of immigration, it’s very difficult because, although I don’t have anything against people from other countries, the higher the influx into England the more the British identity disappears. If you walk through Knightsbridge on any bland day of the week you won’t hear an English accent. You’ll hear every accent under the sun apart from the British accent.” The only problem I have with this reply is that he started it with an apology. Never apologise, Morrissey! Listen to Bowden: “WE’RE NOT SORRY!”.
After the Machester Arena bombing, Morrissey took to Facebook to post exactly what he thought. He blamed the UK’s mass immigration policy for the terrorist attack stating “Theresa May says such attacks ‘will not break us’, but her own life is lived in a bullet-proof bubble, and she evidently does not need to identify any young people today in Manchester morgues. Also, ‘will not break us’ means that the tragedy will not break her, or her policies on immigration”. Last year, he released a song titled “Bonfire of Teenagers” dedicated to the 22 people who were killed on that dreadful night.
The National Front Disco was released in 1992. It’s about a teenager called David who is fed up with how England is being run so he joins the National Front hoping to make a change. The song starts off with his Mother stating “David, the wind’s blown, the wind’s blown all of my dreams away”, referring to how she hoped her country would be. But she still can’t understand why he’s joined the National Front: “And I still say where is our boy? Ah, we’ve lost our boy”. He has explained to his family and friends countless times: “There’s a country, you don’t live there but one day you would like to and if you show them what you’re made of oh, then you might do” alluding to how England would look if Nationalists were in charge. Many liberals at the time of its release were coping hard, claiming the song to be satire. Twenty one years later, it is quite clear this was not made in an ironic way – “England for the English”.
Bengali in Platforms is another song the left tried to claim as their own, specifically claiming that it was a pro-immigration song. How wrong they were! The opening verse is laced with satire “Bengali, Bengali no no no he does not want to depress you oh no no no no no he only wants to impress you”. It reminds me of the Irish libs today – “sure they’re only coming here for a better life, didn’t the Irish do the same?!”. With lyrics such as “Oh, shelve your Western plans and understand that life is hard enough when you belong here”, I’m fairly confident it is indeed an anti-immigration song as according to the left “we’re all just one race man, the human race! Borders are just imaginary lines maaaan!” *sparks joint*
As I mentioned earlier, Morrissey released a track called “Bonfire of Teenagers” last year with an album going by the same name due to be released soon too. The name of the song refers to the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing at the hands of ISIS although truthfully as Morrissey put it, the UK government was to blame. In an interview with his nephew Sam, who runs, he was asked if he was “expecting some manufactured paranoia … the usual ‘you can’t sing about THAT’ pearl fumblers”. He replied “It’s about the kids who were murdered, yes. We are not encouraged to look beneath the surface because it’s dark and hidden. But the song is anti-terror, and anyone who finds that offensive can only be devoid of personal morality. As your brother once said to me, the Manchester Arena Bombing was Britain’s 9/11. We should appreciate anyone who asks questions”.
The opening verse of the song paints a poignant image of a young girl on her way to a concert. It’s sad as we know this is the last time she’ll say goodbye. “Oh, you should’ve seen her leave for the arena on the way, she turned and waved and smiled: ‘Goodbye'”. The second verse is Morrissey criticising those who sang “Don’t Look Back in Anger” after a one minute silence was held in Machester not long after the attack: “the silly people sing: ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ And the morons sing and sway: ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ I can assure you I will look back in anger ’till the day I die”. The song closes with “go easy on the killer” referring to the all too easily forgiven treatment of the terrorist, Salman Abedi.
Morrissey remains a contentious character to this day, whether he’s labelling COVID-19 as le scamdemic or calling Sam Smith’s music satanic, he is always one to speak his mind regardless of the consequences. They have tried to cancel him multiple times but to no avail, he values truth over fame which is highly admirable considering most musicians believe you have to share the same political views as Ben and Jerry to get by. He has proven this theory wrong, however as he continues to appear in news headlines regularly speaking, to us, common sense and to the left, the most unimaginable things you’ve ever heard! I look forward to the release of his new album “Bonfire of Teenagers” with the man himself calling it “the best album of [his] life”.
P.S. Morrissey is playing here in Dublin in Vicar Street on 15th and 16th July, hope to see you there! And for any Smiths-bros hesitant in purchasing a ticket as they haven’t quite taken to his solo work, do not fret! He plays a balanced mix of The Smiths and his own oeuvres.
The Bonfire of Teenagers album was sabotaged, effectively stolen, by Capitol Records, and doesn’t look like seeing the light of day any time soon.
I think I have just become a fan of Morrissey, Thank’s for the article.
Absolutely!! Me too. Going to check out his music now.
Thank you for this interesting article, Lanklet Dev @ Burkean.
No doubt, Van the Man Morrison would be welcomed at such a gig,and I do
wonder if our own famed Christy Moore (always a Planxty Irwin fan ) might
attend One of his most regular venues considering what very few ARTISTS
gave a voice to the Plandemic…Rock n Roll, Rock On.
“This World is full of crashing Bores” probably deserves some mention as it’s basically a middle finger to the current day Police, Politicians and Media establishment in Britain imo (that soul vacuum Cressida Dick has likely crossed his mind more than once lol)
“Lamenting policewomen, policemen
Silly women, taxmen, uniformed whores
They who wish to hurt you
Work within the law”
“Educated criminals work within the law”
He has finished the new album “Without Music the World Dies” after the fiasco with Capital records but is till looking for a record label or private investor that will distribute it.