Nicola Sturgeon has resigned as leader of the SNP amidst growing controversy over the Scottish government’s rampant progressivism. Under pressure due to the passage of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill and the Isla Bryton case, the SNP has alienated itself from the concerns of ordinary Scottish people.

After being criminally charged for raping two women before he came to identify as a woman, Isla Bryson was subsequently placed into a women’s prison while awaiting sentencing.

The backlash from the Bryson controversy has forced the Scottish government to curtail its progressivism as the discussion of women’s safety is reignited. Though the government’s Gender Recognition and Reform Bill was designed to allow transgender people to change their legally defined sex, the Scottish Prison Service has, in light of the current controversy, changed its tune. 

Whereas the Scottish Prison Service was known for previously housing a number of violent transgender criminals in female prison wards, they have recently ruled that transgender inmates are now to be housed in prison wards according to their biological sex.

It remains to be seen how Sturgeon’s resignation will affect the SNP’s goal of Scottish Independence under new leadership, as a second independence referendum is scheduled for October of this year.

Sturgeon’s resignation provides unionist parties an opportunity to grow their political strengths, with Labour likely to capitalise upon this opportunity to enlarge their support. Should the SNP become embroiled in further controversy, it is possible that their progressive agenda may jeopardise its intentions for a second referendum on Scottish Independence.  

Ostensibly a nationalist party, the SNP advocates for Scottish separatism from a progressive angle that neglects the understanding of the nation as a community of interrelated people, opting rather for an ethos of civic-statism.

Though not in government in the Republic, Sinn Féin’s “nationalism” is of a progressive and neoliberal character that, too, pursues an establishment-oriented political ideology, embodying all the liberal values of the status quo. Sinn Féin’s agitation for Irish unification may be defined as a fickle debate over administrative divisions in a global society, rather than a desire to see the country unified. 

Ireland too has had its experiences with an absurd tolerance for transgender criminals, as the case of Barbie Kardashian has demonstrated. Born as Alejandro Gentile, Kardashian was jailed for sexual assault and convicted for disturbing threats made to kill his mother. 

Gentile is known to have recounted to staff at Coovagh House unhinged details as to the things he would do to his mother: 

“If I got into (my mother’s) house I would run towards her and put the knife into her body and into her genitalia…prolong my mum’s suffering for as long as possible…I would stab her, but not in her heart or neck, I’d want to put her through lots of torture, fear and humiliation… I would bring a screwdriver to insert inside her genitalia because I am a woman and women rape using objects. I know that my mum is smaller than me, she is physically weak and she is frail, when I was living with her since I was nine or 10 I was stronger than her then and I know she would be overpowered by me.” 

Despite knowledge of Gentile’s violent behaviour and deranged murder fantasies, he was subsequently placed in the female ward of Limerick Prison.

After having expressed disturbing thoughts and committing sexual crimes against women, the state believes the solution is to validate their behaviour by placing other inmates at risk. This has occurred in Ireland just as in Scotland, though without the same political backlash that Sturgeon now faces.

It is within the context of several cases such as that of Barbie Kardashian, that contentious debate in Scotland has emerged over the state’s policies. As is demonstrated by the recent ruling of the Bryson case, the Scottish Prison Service has now been forced to consider the safety of its female inmates incarcerated with convicted sexual offenders and has reneged on its previous tolerance of transgender policies.

As the transgender fiasco in Scotland has ousted Sturgeon’s political leadership, it is not unlikely to see the same happen within Sinn Féin in coming years. As immigration becomes a more contentious issue in Irish politics, and with the possibility of a Sinn Féin government in the next election, it’s possible that we may see a similar scenario in Ireland in several years time.

Posted by Ryan Kiersey


  1. Daniel BUCKLEY 18/02/2023 at 10:57 am

    Go ‘WOKE’ GO BROKE, has once again claimed another victim of biological stupidity ,with the departure of Nicola Sturgeon, who was all fish supper and no caviar.
    A vicious ,vindictive trollop as her attempt to destroy the retired previous First Minister Alex Salmond has proved.
    Women who have a time each month when they are unwell physically ,emotionaly and psychologically are unfit for positions of power and abuse it in the most evil way .
    We have the lesson of Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand and in Auatralia that of Ms Khatcharian who appears to have had a mid life crisis..
    Not to forget Maggie Thatcher who laid the seeds for the destruction of the UK by her support of idiotic Neoliberal economic policies, as in the privatisations of State assets to the benefit of the Bankers and at enormous social and monetary costs to its citizens.


  2. Ivaus@thetrcolour 21/02/2023 at 5:18 pm

    GREAT RESULT….Scotland ditched it’s humpback…join EIRE


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