Tag: Women

Catfight at the NWCI: Is Ireland’s NGO Consensus Breaking?
It has been a politically inclement week for Ireland’s premier femoid advocacy group the National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI), with scorned Fine Gael hitting out at the group’s alleged favouritism towards left-leaning and opposition TDs. Receiving generous state annuities...

How WB Yeats Got CUCKED – A Pick Up Artist’s Analysis
“We against whom you have done this thing are no petty people” – W. B. Yeats Introduction Intra-nationalist squabbles and petty disputes are an idiosyncratic fixation of mine: Othmar Spann’s distaste for Carl Schmitt; the mutual animosity betwixt the Blueshirts...

Ashling Murphy: Will Ireland Live Up to Harsh Truths?
Like everyone else, I was shaken and horrified at the brutal murder of young Irish woman Ashling Murphy in Tullamore, County Offaly last week. The fact that she was killed in broad daylight while out running along a popular and...

Is Female Anxiety Being Weaponised in Ireland?
Friction between the genders is a barren pursuit. At an instinctual level I can never trust a man with a psychological loathing of the opposite sex beyond an understandable level of lived cynicism. Perhaps it's the white knight in me...

Female-Only Sports. Fun While it Lasted.
When America sneezes, the world catches a cold. Unfortunately this assessment has proven true of Ireland, which has always been hellbent on importing and aping American culture. However, it seems over the past half decade, the youth of Ireland have...

What makes Hillary Clinton or her daughter an authority on “gutsy women”?
Ever since losing the US Presidency to Donald Trump back in 2016, Hillary Clinton has been keeping herself busy. Tweeting out against her former opponent’s administration. Speaking at various functions and junkets all around the world. Writing a couple of...

It’s Misogyny That’s Toxic, Not Masculinity
Last October, a joint report by the New York Times and the New Yorker ousted Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein as a prolific rapist and sexual harasser that committed several grave offences over a staggering thirty-year period. Famous actresses from Ashley...

Women in Surgery, Humans in Surgery.
Last year, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland set up a working group on Gender Diversity in Surgery. Professor John Hyland, president of RCSI, took to The Irish Times last week to give us an update. In an opinion...