Social Media, Body Dysmorphia & Toxic Online Gym Culture
There can be little doubt that social media has had a profound impact on society. Sure, it has brought people closer together. I can connect with a friend who I haven't seen in years and receive a vivid, blow by...

Egoists, Paranoiacs and Fascists: A Response to Fintan O’Toole
Many readers of this publication are sure to have read Fintan O’Toole’s latest piece in The Irish Times which attempted to neatly categorise disparate vaccine sceptic social groups "in order of purposeful malignity". According to O’Toole there are three distinct...

Gilla Band: Where Did All the Punks Go?
I don't like writing outrage pieces. As a rule of thumb, I try to stay well away from them. Journalism in a nutshell has become nothing but a cacophony of outrage in recent years and I begrudge adding to that...

Coppinger’s Covid Hypocrisy on Free Assembly
The outrage both online and in the media following the Metropolitan Police’s heavy-handed attempt to break up the Sarah Everard vigil highlights the double standards of the modern day liberal, but perhaps there is hope yet. Following the disappearance, death...

Female-Only Sports. Fun While it Lasted.
When America sneezes, the world catches a cold. Unfortunately this assessment has proven true of Ireland, which has always been hellbent on importing and aping American culture. However, it seems over the past half decade, the youth of Ireland have...