Tag: ucdsu

Vote for Ryan Corley

In-person voting began at UCD for the Student Union elections on the 4th of April, and will finish today. Online voting has since closed, but, given the history of election fraud across the western world, online voting can be considered...

/ 05/04/2023

UCD Student Union Election Round-Up

The UCD Students Union elections have officially begun, with a variety of interesting candidates, with equally interesting political manifestos.  Candidates are divided into those running for sabbatical positions, effectively running the SU, and college officers, who for the most part...

/ 29/03/2023

UCD Student Union’s Indian Mafia

An underground Indian intelligence network appears to be in formation within UCDSU. The intended goal: an unholy alliance between dissatisfied Brahmins and the flamboyant homosexual cartel that is the SU. At the SU’s first meeting for the academic year, one...

/ 28/10/2022