Tag: sports

Fitness for the Uninitiated – A Guide
No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. Socrates Strong people...

A Word About Irish Athletics (1884)
The following is taken from an 1884 article by GAA founder Michael Cusack No movement having for its object the social and political advancement of a nation from the tyranny of imported and enforced customs and manners can be regarded...

Female-Only Sports. Fun While it Lasted.
When America sneezes, the world catches a cold. Unfortunately this assessment has proven true of Ireland, which has always been hellbent on importing and aping American culture. However, it seems over the past half decade, the youth of Ireland have...

GAA Bends the Knee to Diversity Lobby
An ideological mop-up operation appears to be the order of the day across a variety of Irish institutions. In the aftermath of the anti-racist protests, while we have not yet seen Irish statues deposited into rivers, there has nevertheless been...

Irish Antifa Project: Dylan O’Connell – Journalist
This is the latest part of an undercover investigation into the tacit and sometimes overt support for antifascist harassment among elements of the Irish media and political class. We advise you to listen to all leaked audio and read all...

RTÉ is Useless – Defund it and Let the Market Decide
Nobody likes RTÉ television. I mean nobody. If you ever bothered to ask anyone about the station (and let’s face it, you never have or will), the only response you’d get is a shoulder shrug and maybe, just maybe, “ah...

When Even Sports Become Political
If you were hoping to relax and enjoy a nice game of football, beer in hand, chanting the national anthem with your homies to get away from the over-politicised world we now live in, think again. That old flame was...