Tag: Race

Who is Funding Ireland’s Black Queer Art Scene?
As purveyors of cynical right wing clickbait, The Burkean has taken excessive interest in the nation’s burgeoning black (queer) art scene. From a left-wing microgallery sucking up generous amounts of state funding, to BLM inspired art collectives allegedly playing fast...

The Truth and Lies about George Nkencho
This Sunday, allegations of misinformation being spread by the Right in relation to George Nkencho appeared online. Most notably was that of an article published in the ‘Sunday World’, which claimed that a ‘far-right organization’ had been circulating false claims...

‘I Want Him Terminated’ — Gardaí & Civilians Targeted After Nkencho Killing
Video has emerged purportedly of Emmanuel Nkencho, brother of recently deceased George Nkencho, making threats against the member of Garda Síochana who shot dead his brother on the 30th of December in an act that appears to be self defence....