Tag: Political Correctness

UCD Student Union Election Round-Up
The UCD Students Union elections have officially begun, with a variety of interesting candidates, with equally interesting political manifestos. Candidates are divided into those running for sabbatical positions, effectively running the SU, and college officers, who for the most part...

The Unbearable Whiteness of Dalkey
I’ll get straight to the point. The uber-wealthy town of Dalkey on the south coast of Dublin is whiter than the driven snow and it’s unbearable. The true victims of this festering reality are of course the residents of Dalkey...

Irish Antifa Project: NUIGSU Vice President/Welfare & Equality Officer Roisin Nic Lochlainn
This is the latest part of an undercover investigation into the tacit and sometimes overt support for antifascist harassment among elements of the Irish media and political class. We advise you to listen to all leaked audio and read all...

Political Pizza
Finding it difficult to make sense of #GE2020? Going by the fact that on a good day, about one out of every three voters won’t even bother voting, it looks like you’re not alone. There is a theory that everything...

Nigerian Remittance and the Morons who cried Racism
There’s no two ways of putting it, Noel Grealish TD was, and is right. No matter how many times the conceited moral guardians of Ireland’s political circus tell you otherwise, this fact is undeniable. He’s not a racist (whatever that...

Versatile and The New Satanic Panic
Remember when all moral panics started with Conservatives? It used to be that when media started straying into risque territory, it was always the bible bashing Christian or the God-fearing Tory that got riled up in his righteousness, much to...

Freedom of Speech is Not Just a Human Right – it’s a Human Necessity
For most of history saying something that contradicted those in power was a crime, in many cases punishable by death. Gradually people realised, we’re not truly free unless we can speak our mind, decide the words we use, and criticise...

Book Review: The Strange Death of Europe
“Europe is committing suicide. Or at least its leaders have decided to commit suicide. Whether the European people choose to go along with this is naturally, another matter.” Thus begins Douglas Murray’s recent and controversial bestseller: The Strange Death of...