Tag: philosophy

Ortega y Gasset: Man Against the Masses
José Ortega y Gasset, despite being one of the most renowned Spanish academics of the twentieth century, is an author whose corpus is unfortunately overlooked by modern anglophone right-wing circles. Ortega’s writings are of particular interest to a rightist analysis,...

Exiting History: The Myth of the Bipolar World
The ‘End of History’ has been postponed. Fukuyama, its author, assures us that ‘the spirit of 1989 is not dead…and is being reawakened’ by the Ukrainian conflict'. The End of History and the triumph of liberalism is still there. According...

Liberalism as a Form of Entropy
Last year I wrote an article on the Roderic O’Gorman controversy. The what I remember most about the those events was the confrontation between nationalist protestors and Sinn-Féin affiliated counter-protestors outside of Leinster House. The latter group chanted their tried-and-true...

Thomas777: An Interview with the Internet’s Cultured Thug
Editor's Note: Both the punctuation and capitalisation of the original piece have been preserved at the request of the author to maintain authenticity. Introduction: A Genuine Cultured Thug “Providence had not only rescued him from damnation but had, in fact,...

Desmond Fennell-Gaeldom’s Last Intellectual?
One of the country’s most plenteous philosophical careers came to an end last Friday with the passing of the preeminent Desmond Fennell. An intellectual jack of all trades, Fennell, who died at his Malahide residence last week, blazed a trail...

Toward a Rightist Corpus – An Interview with Imperium Press
Introduction “Liberal elites are not stupid. We have a tendency to underestimate the enemy, but they do not run the show without reason. If they do not want you to read old books (and they do not), then they have...

Ellen Coyne’s BBW Liberation Theology
Coyne: A career in bloatmaxxing A distinctive feature of contemporary Ireland is the prominence of female writers. Following the successful adaptation of Sally Rooney’s ‘Normal People’ to domestic and international screens, it was announced that Naoise Dolan’s ‘Exciting Times’ would...

Fr. Denis Fahey: Catholic Ireland’s Forgotten Integralist
“About the 'rights of man' as they are called,the people have heard enough: it is time they should hear of the Rights of God.” –Pope Leo XIII Catholic Ireland and Historical Haze Certain historically prominent ideological positions and their attendant...

Nationalism as a Moral Order
Every society needs its rules, what is permissible and what is not. This was provided by non-State actors previously, like the Church. Nowadays the agents of International Capital are the arbiters of social mores. They deem what is good and...

Eduard Limonov: A Late Obituary and Brief Eulogy
It is a cold evening in Moscow. A small group of misfit followers are gathered by an old brutalist style Soviet monument, dedicated to the revolution of 1905. They fly a set of flags, the offensive mixes of blue, black,...