Tag: music

BritPop? No! GaelPop is back!
“We're not Britpop, we're Irish for a start” - Noel Gallagher At long last, Noel and Liam Gallagher have put their differences aside and are, ahem, getting the band back together. Millions, perhaps even billions rejoiced at the news, but...

Let the Dissidents Sing: Rebel Anthems which need to be reclaimed
Our traditional folk music is rife with themes and tales which profoundly contradict the ethos of Neoliberal Ireland. This article is syndicated with permission from author Aistí ó Chraobh. The Rebel Songs debate There is continued discussion about whether rebel...

Irish Liberals Killed Sinéad O’Connor
On the 26th of July, famous Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor passed away in her South London flat at the age of 56. Liberal Ireland’s muse for the past 30 years, O’Connor accumulated quite the expansive record as a progressive activist,...

Up the Ra, Anglophobia and the Star Spangled Fenian
The following article first featured in the Gaelic American and is syndicated with permission of the author. After the Irish women’s soccer team was taped singing “Celtic Symphony” a couple of months ago, and more recently the Leinster Rugby stadium...

Gilla Band: Where Did All the Punks Go?
I don't like writing outrage pieces. As a rule of thumb, I try to stay well away from them. Journalism in a nutshell has become nothing but a cacophony of outrage in recent years and I begrudge adding to that...

40 Years Of Laibach – An Interview
This Interview was originally published by the blog “Excuse The Blood” and is syndicated with permission of the author. Since their inception in 1980 Laibach have consistently surprised, enthralled, confused, even offended audiences with their music and art. Their take...

Why Do We Let The Left Own Irish Culture
In February of 2018, Hermann Kelly, now the leader of the Irish Freedom Party, organised an Irexit conference in Dublin’s RDS, at which Nigel Farage was the main speaker. The event received much coverage in the Irish media, and also...

The Peculiar Politics of the Eurovision
The Eurovision is a strange affair. While many turn their nose up at the competition for being rather low brow, it can be entertaining to watch if you go in with an open mind. In what other competitions do you...

Raging at Bono
I am not a fan of U2. I first encountered the band in 2003 at the opening ceremony for the Special Olympics, at a time I was vaguely aware of a song called Beautiful Day and didn’t even recognise Pride...

I Spoke to the Devil in Miami, He Said Everything Would Be Fine
With the release of the late XXXTentacion’s ‘SAD!’ music video on the 28th of June, I had planned to publish an article examining the late rapper’s political and social views, as well as how one should make sense of the...