Tag: Freedom

Freedom Matters (But Some More Than Others)
Over the past month, the whole world has been bombarded by the shocking and heartbreaking images coming out of Ukraine since the invasion by Russian forces. We hoped it wouldn’t come to this but going by the increasingly aggravating behaviour...

In Defence of my Gym-bros: An Open Letter To Ryan Tubridy
Tubbers, a chara I am writing to you regarding your recent run-ins with young men of my generation. I understand that their inherent swagger, rugged charm and overall chad-like demeanor has left you somewhat disturbed, and with many questions. My...

Who is Lobbying the State on Hate Speech Legislation?
As of yet uncodified, it appears almost certain that a hate speech bill of some sort will limp its way to the Cabinet table circa Easter time this year. While the Department of Justice has forewarned that it will not...

ROXANNE: Ireland’s New Anti-Hate Speech Surveillance Technology
Marketed as a multiplatform analytical tool to evaluate speech and facial patterns in order to create visual mapping for authorities and identity suspects, ROXANNE is a new breed of surveillance technology in the process of development and currently being backed...

Airstrip One: The Slow Death of Freedom in the UK
What is happening in the UK is terrifying. No, I’m not talking about Brexit, the event that has gripped news media and turned it into a frenzy. I’m referring to far more important matters. Matters that, if left unchecked, will...

The Escalating War over Freedom of Speech on Campuses
“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” - George Washington In February, 2016, American conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro spoke at the University of California, Berkeley to...

We Deserve a Better CSC
Several weeks ago, the Central Societies Committee (CSC) voted against a motion calling for Dublin University Gender Equality Society (DUGES) to change their name to Dublin University Feminist Society, warning that such a change could “imperil” the future of the...
Promoting Economic Freedom in Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities
When it comes to economics, we are regularly told by voices on the political left that, since the foundation of the state, Ireland has been dominated by two right-wing political parties and that it is high time that the country’s...