Tag: economy

David McWilliams is Wrong About Immigration. A Critical Response.
Introduction Last Sunday, David McWilliams published a piece in the Irish Times, wheeling out the familiar argument that immigrants are an unambiguous economic blessing to the host country. The piece is nothing original, those familiar with the politics of immigration...

Irish Anti-Trump Hysteria is Futile
Plenty of steam has (and will be) given off this week for the visit of President Trump to Ireland on the tail-end of his visit to Europe. Almost three years into his term, Ireland’s progressive classes have failed to properly...

Andrew Yang: Next President of the United States?
Donald Trump has been an interesting president. Since his election in 2016, he has served as a voice (though not a very eloquent one) for a growing Right-wing across the western world. A voice for people who are unhappy with...

Atlanticism and Ireland’s Post-Brexit Dilemma
Brexit and the English Connection: In cynical geopolitical terms, Ireland exists as the Western European equivalent of Belarus. An English speaking cultural appendage of Anglo-America surviving off FDI and with a monetary policy set in Brussels. For all the fanfare...

A Year in Review: 2018
It’s been an interesting year - but before we take a look at the developments here in Ireland, let’s review what happened on the world stage. In the United States passed another year of highly entertaining political drama. Tension seemed...
Promoting Economic Freedom in Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities
When it comes to economics, we are regularly told by voices on the political left that, since the foundation of the state, Ireland has been dominated by two right-wing political parties and that it is high time that the country’s...