Tag: Big Tech

The Journal.ie Could Be the Next Big Loser in Facebook’s DEI Purge

Since its 2010 debut, The Journal.ie—owned by the advertising moguls the Fallon Brother—has blurred the lines successfully between tabloid and broadsheet journalism in Ireland. While not as cash-strapped as its clickbait-heavy rival Joe.ie, The Journal has faced criticism within our...

/ 12/01/2025

How Musk Could Take Ireland to Task Over Hate Speech Legislation

Twitter’s Fenian Street HQ was a powerful place to be in the mid to late 2010s.  The cockpit of the social media giant’s European operations, a generation of activists that came of age during the 2015 Marriage Referendum accrued immense...

/ 01/05/2023

Twitter’s Irish Spies: How Has Musk Takeover Impacted Dublin Operations?

With Twitter’s Senior Policy Director Sinéad MsSweeney opting to jump rather than be pushed in the face of Musk’s radical streamlining of the company, the question must be asked how is the global corporate shakeup affecting the office politics on...

/ 07/01/2023

Zuckerberg’s Metaverse: Is Clownworld Entering Virtual Reality?

Mark Zuckerberg announced yesterday that Facebook Inc. would be rebranding, with immediate effect. Henceforth, Meta Platforms Inc., or just Meta, will move focus away from apps and platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, and towards Metaverse content. But what is...

/ 30/10/2021

Kinzen: Ireland’s Anti-Populist Start Up

Eleven years after felicitously establishing the media intelligence agency Storyful, Mark Little and a squad of Irish journalists are hoping lightning strikes twice with their new anti-misinformation startup Kinzen.  Banking $2.2 million in seed capital, the company currently holed up...

/ 04/09/2021

Protonmail in the Dock: Could High Court Set Nasty Precedent on Cyber Anonymity

Cyber hijinks look set to be aired in the High Court shortly, over a legal dispute between a Donegal based engineering firm (DRM Contract Administration) and the Swiss encryption platform Protonmail. Stemming from a refusal by Protonmail’s parent company Proton...

/ 25/08/2021

BitChute Removes Extremist Content in Partnership With Hope Not Hate

To the shock of many the alt tech platform Bitchute has commenced removing what it deems to be extremist content under the auspices of a report commissioned by the UK anti-racist organisation Hope Not Hate.  Founded in 2017 as an...

/ 13/12/2020

Irish Big Tech’s Links To Left-Wing Activism

With social media becoming increasingly ingrained in the daily lives of users through laptops, smartphones and tablets, our ways of speech and expression can be said to reflect these developments and changes.  To paraphrase the Canadian communications theorist Marshall McLuhan,...

/ 04/12/2020