Category: Culture & Arts

Ideas of Good and Evil: Ireland and the Arts
Equal parts poet and mystic, W.B. Yeats left a lasting mark on Irish politics, culture and identity. Below is an excerpt from his work Ideas of Good and Evil, originally published in the United Irishman in 1903. The arts have failed;...

Who is Funding Ireland’s Black Queer Art Scene?
As purveyors of cynical right wing clickbait, The Burkean has taken excessive interest in the nation’s burgeoning black (queer) art scene. From a left-wing microgallery sucking up generous amounts of state funding, to BLM inspired art collectives allegedly playing fast...

Denis Villeneuve’s Dune (2021): Technics Over Essence
This article was originally published by the blog “Excuse The Blood” and is syndicated with permission of the author. The announcement of a new adaptation of Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel Dune has been the subject of much anticipation for at least a couple of...

Self Reliance — Thomas Davis
The following is a poem penned by Irish nationalist Thomas Davis, diligently brought back to life through the devoted team at An Cartlann. I. Though savage force and subtle schemes, And alien rule, through ages lasting, Have swept your land...

Eat the Bugs Paddy: Does the Irish Meat Industry Have a Future?
The centrality played by the cow in Irish life is hard to ignore. From our nation's mythological cradle, right up to contemporary politics, our bovine friends have remained silent sentinels over Irish history. With Ireland lacking major mineral deposits to...

Is Irish Nationalism Lacking an Aesthetic?
“We know of an ancient radiation That haunts dismembered constellations” The re-emergence of the Right in the late 2010s will be viewed as one of most significant developments in Irish politics by future historians. Although afflicted by a myriad of...

Foundation Texts of Irish Nationalism: A Reading List
Below is a list of books for the purpose of acquainting and educating its audience on the subject of Irish Nationalism. The books form a canon which is mostly, but not entirely, political in nature. The works were chosen to...

The Praesidium Triumphant: Lessons from the Legion of Mary
“In short, in every circumstance of special difficulty, or in face of danger, the legionary should remind himself: “A war is on”! This phrase that nerves a war-ridden people to sacrifice, should steel the legionary in his warfare for souls...

Nazbol Sally: A Right Wing Extremist Reviews ‘Beautiful World, Where Are You’
Preface: I vowed never to read Rooney’s glorified chick-lit again… I was on an excursion to the Carpathian Mountains, accompanied by my Dacian irredentist comrade from the Blackrock College days, when I received a call at the foot of the...

NIMBYism i bPórt Lairge: An bhfuil Lorraine Clifford Lee Ceart?
Ní minic a fhaighimid conspóid maidir leis an nGaeilge sa tír seo. Tharla an eachtra neamhghnách le déanaí, áfach, nuair a chuir Seanadóir Clifford Lee i gcoinne forbairt tithíochta i lár Gaeltacht Phórt Lairge. Bunaithe i mBaile Atha Cliath, ach...