The Irish Families Displaced by Asylum Surge: The Burkean Interviews
This is the first of a series of exposés on the effect of the establishment's mass-asylum policy on the most vulnerable groups in Irish society. The last few years have not been the best for the Irish housing system. With...

Liberalism is a Sin: Absolutism Fights Back
Doctor Don Felix Sarda y Salvany was a popular priest in Spain in the late 19th and early 20th century who was considered exemplary for the firmness of his principles and the clarity of his apostolate –centred upon charity and...

The Mass Psychology of Fapism
In 1933 Wilhelm Reich published his work ‘The Mass Pyschology of Fascism’ wherein he attempted to uncover why Germany chose Fascism over Communism, as both movements were competing for control of Germany after the collapse of the degenerate Weimar Republic....

Jordan Peterson: An Astroturfed Phenomenon?
Jordan Peterson is an enigmatic figure in today’s world. He rose to prominence due to his refusal to use transgender pronouns if their use was made compulsory by the Canadian state, exploding to international superstardom as clips of his refusal...

Irish Nationalism and Aesthetics: A Response
The essay “Is Irish Nationalism Lacking an Aesthetic” by Ulick Fitzhugh raises many interesting ideas and opens room for further reflections. The central question being asked is does Irish Nationalism need an aesthetic to aid in its success. In short,...

Does Conservatism Pave the Way for Progressivism ?
The Conservative Movement and its consequences have been a disaster for Western civilization. Anyone who has spent any time pursuing so-called ‘far-right’ ideas is sure to have come across the almost cliché question; what has conservatism ever managed to conserve? ...