Today, Sinn Féin released a policy document on the housing crisis and what they pledge to deliver if elected to government.

The document mirrors how Sinn Féin have approached the topic (and nearly every other) in recent years: trying to sound intelligent and visionary while ignoring the massive elephant in the room of mass immigration making the country impossible for Irish people to survive in.

Migration Mentioned

On page 24 SF concede that “inward migration brought significant population growth,” which has driven up need for housing. The Shinners, skillful politicians as they are, have lately been grappling with addressing this issue to stem some of the vote haemorrhage they’re experiencing while hoping to avoid annoying Left voters. It hasn’t really worked.

Obvious Delusion

The document is an interesting read in some places, but the prospect of SF actually solving the housing crisis is impossible when you look at the context of their proposals.

A simple back-of-the-napkin analysis will show that the proposed 300k new homes that the SF plan offers would not solve the housing problem. Net immigration is running at over 70k per annum the last couple of years. Even with a small regression to the mean, that would still wipe out the housing stock SF have promised, and then some.

But the deeper issue is that Sinn Féin are traitors who would only increase migration anyway. Despite making tough noises on the issue recently, anyone with any political instinct can tell that SF are fully steered by the kind of degenerate red ex-Student’s Union insect that controls every other party and institution in the state. Under a SF government expect migration to increase, and the housing market will respond accordingly.

Bleak Future

Not only is SF’s plan a priori unworkable given the rate of migration, it doesn’t account for the half-life of the Irish economy in its current Schrodinger’s Tax Haven form, where the country’s economy might already be dead for all we know depending on what Trump and Kamala’s teams have drawn up for the US tax rate post-election. SF’s plan they predict to cost €39bn over 5 years (it will certainly end up more), which may not be eye-watering as long as Ireland manages to avoid an economic nuclear meltdown that could be triggered by several different factors.

Usually, inward migration reduces significantly during an economic nosedive, but SF would be the kind of government to open the floodgates to mitigate against that.

Cop On Time for Irish Nationalists

For Irish nationalists, we are currently surrounded by open goals. Late Stage Ireland is a hideous kip that nobody has any fondness for; daily life consists of dodging crime and biohazards while getting ripped off for the pleasure, with the background music supplied by a chorus of foreigners and degenerates lecturing you about your Original Sin of being born heterosexual, healthy, White Irish, and not retarded.

The biggest open goal in front of us is housing. We all need to be hammering this basic equation of supply and demand home to the electorate. The General Election will largely be about housing, and we are the only people who can realistically address it.

Posted by The Burkean

One Comment

  1. Ivaus@thetricolour 02/09/2024 at 3:32 pm

    There’s a hole in the bucket and Henry can’t fix it dear Lisa,dear Lisa.

    Not only will SF fail to deliver on housing despite being in opposition,
    neither will FF, neither will FG, who have proven their history of
    failure whilst being in government for decades.

    Even if all these parties formed a coalition,including Grns and Ind. the
    housing crisis will remain for decades more…that’s the proven reality.

    Not only have these successive governments not met housing quotas for
    decades…THEY DO NOT BUILD ENOUGH, they also control the lands
    for development…SLOW RELEASE, which guarantees developers high
    profit margins, this maintains the status quo of the Trickle Effect.

    That’s the reason for high rise density projects,more bang for buck,while
    tapping into existing infrastructure and keeping costs down but again
    guaranteeing more profitable for both government and developer.

    Still not satisfied, the gluttonous behemoths in GOVERNMENT hand over to Vulture Funds,guaranteeing high rents and fulfilling their second
    roles as Absentee Landlords ( yes, when did this happen before in Eire ).

    BUILD…and then after housing the homeless and addressing Irish
    Homelessness…can you consider any working alternative.

    This will never happen as long as there is FF-FG-SF-GRN.
    They want to maintain their status quo of :
    Open Borders
    Uncapped Migrant Numbers
    Irish Homelessness
    Irish Emigration

    Even a child understands the futility of filling a cup with a HOLE IN IT


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