Left-unity on both sides of the border seems to be the primary casualty in this week’s standoff between Sinn Féin and other left-wing parties as Michelle O’Neill backed a wider UK-wide initiative to pull the use of puberty blockers for underage children.

A haggish looking Ruth Coppinger led a chorus of lefty NGOs against the Shinners outside their Parnell Square HQ earlier this week, with a clear intention to cleave young progressives voters away from the Sinn Féin caucus.

Accused of throwing trans kids under the bus chasing right-wing votes, Coppinger was very clear to tie her remarks to the Shinners’ ongoing asylum woes. Closer to reality, Sinn Féin is reacting to wider institutional currents moving against the trans agenda across the UK heralded by April’s Cass Report which shredded a decade’s worth of excess trans policies towards kids.

Sinn Féin partially signed off on stopping the treatment of trans kids with irreversible puberty blockers for fear of the 6 counties becoming a regulatory backdoor to the UK as the HSE indicated that they may review the Republic’s medication of underage trans children in light of the British findings.

Settling down in her role as First Minister, Michelle O’Neill was sure to play both sides of the trans divide assuring progressives that the ban on trans treatment for under 18s would only last 3 months, per medical advice, as many on the right and left pointed out a rather partitionist attitude from her party.

A litany of medical malpractices, clear instances of ideological capture by the trans lobby, as well as the emergent TERF trend among former progressives, has eaten into the hegemony of the trans industry around the Western world with the Republic merely being absorbed in a wider pattern emerging from the UK.

This mirrors a wider internal schism over the migration question, typified by the departure of Laois Council Aidan Mullins who referenced the trans issue in his resignation letter. It would appear that Sinn Féin is taking blows in the evolving culture war, eating into its base.

While old Provos have oft accused the Adams clique onwards of betraying the economic and political goals of physical force Republicanism, Sinn Féin now stands divided in attempts to appear appealing to both a left-liberal voter base and simultaneously to voters further on the right.

Cosmetically moving rightwards on migration in the aftermath of a clear, albeit measurable, revolt by urban voters for the populist right, Sinn Féin appears to be forgoing the prospect of a pan-left coalition in favour of keeping their more reactionary voters.

Taking a step back it would appear that despite the traditional ability of the NGO complex to bring the ruling FF-FG dupology leftwards, the golden opportunity of a left-led coalition of Sinn Féin and overtly communist and socialist parties seems to be leaving the station.

Ruth Coppinger was right this week for pointing out that Sinn Féin are only half hearted in their new trans outlook. Perhaps as a precursor for where the migration debate could look in a few months hence, Ireland’s once mighty trans consensus is looking awfully shaky.

Let’s give it a push.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. Ivaus@thetricolour 31/08/2024 at 7:05 am

    The Cass report highlighted the ongoing Criminality in the trans issue and the use of puberty blockers to such an extent,that it had major impacts in the UK…shutting down major facilities being used which had an impact on the Irish Referrals being sent there at alarming rates.

    Considering that we’re talking about irreversible effects to young children,because that is fundamentally what most are in a developing period of adolescence, it is criminal enterprise of great magnitude.

    If parents are willing to ignore the permanent damage to their own offspring, it will be no consolation prize worth waiting for when class actions are submitted in courts, and the likes of Tusla,Civil Servants and
    CHILDREN’S MINISTER. O’ Gorman are funded by TAXPAYERS to
    save their sorry arses.

    Criminal Activity is normally investigated in Normal Societies…


  2. Well, Sinn Féin may be using the trans issue to show a very light opposition to some of the elite agenda. There are cases of this in the US where Republicans choose to condemn transgenderism rather than immigration. The main issue must be immigration and SF favours the full overthrow of an Irish Ireland


    1. S F hope that mass immigration to the island will see a ( narrow ) majority up north vote for reunification . By 2035 , it’s a very strong possibility . They don’t give a toss about anyone or anything else .


  3. Ivaus@thetricolour 01/09/2024 at 5:51 am

    A Planned Liberal Melting Pot of Irish Destruction.

    1- Abortion on demand,highest in historical Irish records…climbing
    2- Lowest Ethnic Births,highest in historical Irish records…climbing
    3- Highest transgendered, highest in historical Irish records…climbing
    4-Highest Child Homelessness, highest in historical Irish records,climbin
    5-Highest waiting lists for hospitals,medical attention………………climbing
    6- Highest waiting lists for schooling,child care………………………..climbing
    7- Highest waiting lists for housing………………………………………….climbing
    8- Highest prison inmates,……………………………………………………….climbing
    9- Highest crime rates,including unvetted foreign illegals…………climbing
    10- Highest Irish Emigration from Ireland in a decade…………….climbing

    All going according to plans concocted by UN ( migration pacts)
    All going according to plans concocted by EU,migration pacts,et.et.et.
    All going according to plans concocted by 2040,Varadecur,sS Covany,
    All going according to plan concocted by WEF, NGO,SOROS,GLOBIST
    MARXIST COMMUNIST and anti white European ethnicity.

    Every point above is critical,and when one considers that for each of the
    10 points raised above,the government have not only brought in numbers
    to complicate serious issues for IRELANDS IRISH…they’ve brought in
    higher numbers purposely at rates of sometimes 20:1

    If a populations security is essential, and it is per constitution and govt.
    responsibility, WHY are the majority of illegal un-vetted foreign
    replantation people from all over the world…predominantly MALE, of
    fighting age???

    The “ISIS” scare by governments globally,not long ago and still a threat
    was the movement and setup of Islamic Cells Globally…silent undercover
    dormant cells,manned mainly by men of fighting age to ATTACK….
    ANYWHERE…ANYTIME……in the future.

    Is that not the case now ? Are we to believe there is no threat ? When
    did that happen? Why weren’t we informed? OR WAS THAT A LIE TOO ?
    When governments fail in their responsibilities to their Nation’s Security
    then they cease to govern and citizens become responsible for themselves


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