The asylum standoff at East Wall shows no sign subsiding with coordinated shutdowns by residents yesterday evening at Busáras bus terminal and the Samuel Beckett Bridge simultaneously.

Beginning after 5pm, protestors successfully stalled traffic at key transport arteries in the third week of the ongoing dispute. Numbering just over a hundred and carrying placards decrying the imposition of the centre on the community, the area around Amiens Street was soon cordoned off by Gardaí resulting in the redirecting of commuter traffic.

Fulfilling a promise to continue and escalate efforts to force the government’s hands on the ESB centre, events were coordinated by republican activist and lawyer Malachy Steenson.The blockade came in the wake of reports of further arrivals to the old ESB site this week by stealth.

Lasting the best part of 2 hours, residents then marched down Amiens Street before dispersing for the night. Raising issues around the provision of housing and services as well as the safety of locals, bar some aggrieved motorists protestors did not arouse the anger of passersby.

In tandem with the grassroots effort of East Wall citizens, a rather subdued gathering of anti-racists under the banner of the PBP front, United Against Racism mustered approximately 100 protestors outside of the GPO in defence of the government’s free-handed asylum policy – though they’d phrase it differently.

Denouncing any and all attempts to rein in the state’s floundering asylum buffet and provide preference to Irish citizens, attendees were serenaded by various trotskyite aligned speakers in what was a routine performance of anti-Irish activism.

Increasingly yesterday’s news when it comes to street level politics, the chasm opened up between the Irish working class in particular and Irish trotskyists stands to potentially jeopardise electoral gains made the past decade on the back of post-Crash initiatives. At least the Shinners benefit from having enough tact to keep mum on the asylum issue at times unlike their Marxist brethren.

Set only to roll on and keep the state’s feet to the fire, East Wall marks a landmark in citizen driven campaigns to puncture the asylum regime and its political masters. One may only hope the lessons and roadmap of the community standing up for itself is replicated nationwide in order to break the Dublin government’s back on the matter.

Posted by Ciaran Brennan


  1. Declan Hayes 08/12/2022 at 11:41 pm

    These Trotskyites, who are doing the job they are paid to do, have their roots in the two nationist British and Irish Communist Organisation (BICO), Labour Militant and the Socialist Party. Their social aim is to help rip the country asunder and their plants in Sinn Fein etc help them in that. Tonight’s 2 nationist protest, when written up by the Irish Times, and other discredited sites, will claim there is a ground swell of anger at the “racists” of East Wall, Mayo, Wicklow, Tullamore, Kinnegad etc etc. Lie back and think of Ireland etc.| These protests will spread and will either succeed when their proper structures emerge or implode due to the work of nutters, plants and opportunists.
    You mention the absence of SF. Though the necessity for faux product differentiation between the Trots and other plants is needed, far more noticeable by her absence is Ronit Lentin, Palestinian activist (ha ha), Israeli citizen and widow of the late Zionist gun (and camera) for hire Louis Lentin. Hasn’t she said that this is what she (and Israel?) wants, the destruction of Ireland so that no more threats to their hegemony may emerge from here?
    On the subject of Israel/Palestine, Mary Lou’s twitter has a Palestinian flag (so chic). Israel’s El Al will have direct flights from Dublin to Tel Aviv starting in March and there will be no opposition. Why? Because the Trots who run many of those protests and movements are total frauds who look down on the people of East Wall, Mayo, Wicklow, Tullamore, Kinnegad etc etc, particularly now, when they show signs of independent movement, thinking and action.


    1. Tel Aviv to Dublin will be the new ” Sanctuary Lane ” for Middle East / Asian asylum seekers . Flights inbound will be full , empty on the return leg #NoPassportNoProblem #Failte

      When will the leafier Dublin suburbs of Killiney & Blackrock start taking asylum seekers ? L O L .


    2. Tel Aviv to Dublin will be the new ” Sanctuary Lane ” for Middle East / Asian asylum seekers . Flights inbound will be full , empty on the return leg #NoPassportNoProblem #Failte

      When will the leafier Dublin suburbs of Killiney & Blackrock start taking asylum seekers ? 2100


  2. Daniel BUCKLEY 09/12/2022 at 8:45 am

    When peaceful protests are denied,violent revolution is inevitable,( JFK).
    The rogue Regime has had a long run of abusing the Irish People. Their crimes have been long hidden by their controlled Media and their 6billion funded parasitic NGO’s Army,.
    These days are over.
    It is the duty of every Citizen to remove a Tyrannical Regime when it oppresses,intimiditates and abuses them. ( Thomas Jefferson)
    Mass Civil Disobedience from street protests to withholding labor and Taxes are legitimate ,as the Regime prepares to eviscerate the very roots of Democracy with their introduction of Hate Speech Laws.This is the road toTotalitarianisn,Fascism and Dictatorship.
    For now the protests are peaceful.
    Should the Regime attempt to use their coercive powers of Garda,soldiery and Judiciary to strangle the protest movement,it will very quickly increase the fury of an already
    angry population.
    The pills of Propaganda no longer work and and a convergence of many issues are coming to the boil with the blowback from the war in Ukraine increasing from their power cuts and freezing winter weather.
    Ireland is not immune,with massive refugee flows, high inflation caused by energy costs and likely Power cuts.
    The Regime in its incompetence is not prepared and is powerless to effect change.
    In its stupidity, it has chosen the wrong side of History and will pay dearly for it. Unfortunately it has also condemned its citizens to a future of social chaos ,poverty and dystopia.


  3. Ivaus@thetricolour 09/12/2022 at 9:14 am

    Because “The Dealer” who has all the cards,controlling the game with the backing of house rules,does not win despite the odds in his favor.
    Politics and Identity labeling aside this is fundamentally a Human Rights
    issue and the continuous failures to govern honestly and fairly for all.

    Decades of housing shortages and building failures is the key foundation
    slab that promised and guarantees UNcapped migrant numbers the
    UNfair Free access to all housing,over the ethnic taxpayers waiting lists.
    Lack of planning and infrastructure,consultations or cooperation is why
    Industrial and Office buildings have been hijacked by the headless chicks
    making decisions on the run…that have cost lives and misery untold, bar
    the massive profiteering of Vultures Funds and Ministerial Landlords

    Fail to mention Diverse Cultures ( East Wall @ 40%, average)
    Fail to mention Homeless Irish ( over 10,ooo for Decades)
    Fail to mention Homeless Dead ( over 70 and counting 2022)
    Fail to mention Homes Built ( so low it’s almost 0)
    Failure to mention Elite Areas who accommodate their share (000000)

    Ireland is a Human Rights Catastrophe Against its own Irish People
    That’s buried by decades of bull,bollox,bastards and betrayal. STAND.


  4. Ciaran,
    Why is the Burkean not on Instagram? Turning Point USA and similar USA movements and similar UK right wing movements have a strong social media presence I can only receive the Burkean via email. While I genuinely appreciate receiving the emails I feel the right in Ireland is not pursuing the right channels to get it’s message out.
    Your Thoughts?
    Please feel free to email me direct on


    1. The Burkean 09/12/2022 at 4:56 pm

      Hi Tim

      Dunno, may give it a spin

      Kind regards


      1. There are plenty out there who would happily contribute.
        It doesn’t have to be the usual US – centric memes etc. There’s enough woke stupidity in Ireland in one month to keep IG going for a year. It could help those tired of the relentless Irish media onslaught with book recommendations etc.
        I’m living in London but let me know if you want any help.


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