Tag: Housing

How Much of the Dublin Housing List is Foreign Born?
In the months before lockdown there was a small flurry of protests in West Dublin motivated by what was perceived to be the privileging of non-nationals on the public housing list. In the working class community of Mulhuddart, residents put...

The Irish Government’s Public Housing Bonanza for Asylum Seekers
With a foreword written in Albanian, Urdu and Georgian, as well as welcoming introductions by Micheál Martin and Roderic O’Gorman, the long anticipated White Paper laying out the State’s plan to end the Direct Provision system for asylum seekers dropped...

House The Irish First? In Defence of a Responsible Nativism
Over the next two decades, the 26 counties are set to experience arguably the most drastic population explosion seen on this island in human history. Despite a nose-diving birth rate, legalised abortion, a generation locked out of family formation and...

Dept. of Housing Warns Open Border Proposals Will Severely Impact Housing Supply
Amid the targeted mania at abolishing the Republic’s already lenient Direct Provision system, the media-NGO narrative has been temporarily punctured by rather stern comments by the Department of Housing. In response to last month’s Day Report commissioned by the Department...

The Policy of Mass Immigration is Incompatible with Sustainable Housing
The most well-known political issue in Ireland today is the housing crisis. A crisis of an overcrowded rental and property market, with record breaking rip-off prices. A crisis exacerbated by the continued expansion of luxury tourist accommodation as opposed to...

Fine Gael’s Housing Crisis
Ireland’s ongoing housing crisis has provided a discordant note to the official government narrative that we are somehow living in a golden age. The figure of 10,000 homeless is only the tip of the iceberg. For a generation of renters...

Why The Youth Turns Left
“A conservative at twenty has no heart, a socialist at thirty has no brain” – I am sure we have all heard variants of such a phrase before, but the question that has always interested me is why such a...

Houses as Cars and the State of Dublin Planning
If you want to sell a car in the European Union, your offering has to meet quite a lot of very specific standards. For example, Commission Regulation 1008/2010, a six-thousand-word epic: “… concerning type-approval requirements for windscreen wiper and washer...

Why Career Landlords and Fine Gael Love #TakeBackTheCity
‘TakeBackTheCity’ almost looks like controlled opposition. It is a group that pretends to be trying to challenge the likes of large property developers, but is instead cementing their positions, both in Dublin and Ireland as a whole. In fact there...