Tag: Historic

A Word About Irish Athletics (1884)
The following is taken from an 1884 article by GAA founder Michael Cusack No movement having for its object the social and political advancement of a nation from the tyranny of imported and enforced customs and manners can be regarded...

For Land and Life! – John Mitchel
From The United Irishman, 19 February, 1848 syndicated courtesy of An Cartlann. Land in Ireland is Life. Just in the proportion that our people contrive to keep or to gain some foot-hold on the soil, in that proportion exactly they will live and...

A Message to the Irish Diaspora 1920
The following are extracts from Éamon de Valera's wartime St. Patrick’s Day message 1920 beseeching the Irish Diaspora at a time of war. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh go léir Sons and daughters of the Gael, wherever you be today,...

“Each fights for the Fatherland” : Pádraig Pearse
The following is a 1915 article by Pádraig Pearse reflecting on the significance of the outbreak of hostilities on the Continent, syndicated in light of today's events. When we are old (those of us who live to be old) we...

The Gaelic State in the Past & Future-Darrell Figgis
Extracts from a 1917 text by Sinn Féin activist and subsequent Treatyite TD Darrell Figgis on the genesis and function of the pre-conquest Gaelic state. A Nation is crowned when it exists in the world not only by virtue of...

Alice Glenn At 100: Catholic Ireland’s Rearguard Action
The 35 year constitutional crusade to place the Irish state on a progressive footing came to a thundering end in the courtyard of Dublin Castle the Summer of 2018 with the erasure of the right to life for the unborn...