Tag: Fiction

The Order Review: A Gem Amongst the Coal, The ‘Woods Amongst the Trees
“Cattle die and kinsmen die, and so must one die oneself. But I know one thing that never dies: the fame of a dead man's deeds.” “The Order”, a film about an American nationalist group who became a major concern...

JK Rowling, and Why Fiction is Dying
‘You reap what you sow’. After spending years feeding the progressive beast, JK Rowling has finally learned the meaning of this proverb. How? Just like with any social media mob, it started when Rowling was caught espousing views that are...

Lessons from Fiction: Sauron and the State
The Lord of the Rings ranks as one of the greatest works of fiction of all time. Few great stories would be complete without a great villain – and J.R.R Tolkien’s masterpiece is no exception. In Sauron, the eponymous Lord...