Tag: Communism

The Connolly Youth Movement is where the Left goes to die
“I have long been of opinion that the Socialist movement elsewhere was to a great extent hampered by the presence in its ranks of faddists and cranks, who were in the movement, not for the cause of Socialism, but because...

The Burkean in the Field: Marxism Festival 2018
This article largely follows the perspective of The Burkean’s Culture Editor; Peter Caddle. Joseph Stalin believed beatings to be the most effective type of torture. It was the punishment he feared most as a child, and his favoured method of...

Burke’s Right Minds: Italian Distributionism
Burke’s Right Minds is a project exploring and promoting viewpoints within the conservative intellectual sphere, jointly run by The Burkean and the Edmund Burke Institute. To describe what distributism is in 500-1000 words is an impossible mission. I will therefore...

Denials and Misinformation on the Horror of the Gulags
Not too long ago, London’s Goldsmith LGBTQ+ Society described life in the Gulag system as “a rehabilitory one and self supporting, a far cry from the Western, capitalist notion of prison,” adding that “The Soviets did away with life sentences...

Michael D. Higgins’ Marxist Philosophical Circus
In his “King Lear,” William Shakespeare writes: “Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise.” I cannot think of a public figure in Ireland who exemplifies it better than our old-new presidential candidate Michael D. Higgins. He...

The Progressive Subversion of Leaving Cert ‘Politics and Society’
This year, around 900 students from 41 pilot schools across the country will sit the first ever Leaving Cert exam for ‘Politics and Society’. Introduced in 2016, the new subject supposedly is designed to educate students in regards to both...