Tag: Christmas

The Late Stage Toy Show
Long being a staple of contemporary Irish culture, last night we were once again faced with the event that most closely resembles a national religious rite on a parasocial level. With close to all readers being undoubtedly raised watching the...

Yuletide in Armenia: Prospects After The Nagorno-Karabakh War
The following is a follow up interview with Armen Kaprelian a Research Assistant at the Armenian Ministry of Economics and Alum of the Terjenian-Thomas Internship Program Alum with a Burkean correspondent Michael Sonne given a few days before Christmas. In...

Why does it Matter that the Nativity Scene at the Vatican is Ugly?
In the spirit of a modern artist, the Vatican’s nativity scene might turn to the traditional defense of those who seek to defend the ugly, ‘I say it’s art, who’s to say it’s not art?’. In doing so, one is...

Christmas: A Conservative Festival
Once a year, the modern world indulges in a celebration of everything it usually disdains: family, nostalgia, tradition, sentimentality, innocence, festivity, ceremony, and even (albeit usually indirectly) religion. Christmas is the annual return of the repressed, on a societal level....

A Short History of Christmas
Christmas: that wonderful time of the year when the country, as well as the entire city of Dublin, seems to come alive with people. People who do merry things such as take up all the spots in the university library,...