Category: Articles

Introducing the Irish NGO Complex

The following is a multipart series examining the role of Ireland’s NGO (non-governmental organisation) sector in influencing journalism and policy formation, as well means to combat it. So far in the eyes of this author, criticism of the NGO lobby...

/ 15/08/2019

Time for YFG to Grow Some Teeth

Imagine the following scenario: a high ranking member of the Labour Party Youth group attends a foreign conference of international socialists. The conference, while banal in their eyes, plays host to a variety of far left Stalinists and Marxist-Lenninists sympathetic...

/ 06/08/2019

RTÉ’s New Propaganda Tax

The Television License is a scam. A tax designed to prop up the massive economic failure of RTÉ (which consumes a whopping 86% of the money gathered by the license), the existence of the charge is nothing short of complete...

/ 04/08/2019

In Memoriam Christopher Booker

On July 3rd Christopher Booker, the greatest journalist and social critic of the last 50 years, died. His fields of journalistic expertise were ‘global warming’, the EU, public scares, and the UK family courts. His criticism was focused on groupthink...

/ 02/08/2019

Versatile and The New Satanic Panic

Remember when all moral panics started with Conservatives? It used to be that when media started straying into risque territory, it was always the bible bashing Christian or the God-fearing Tory that got riled up in his righteousness, much to...

/ 27/07/2019

Fake Controversy and the High Court’s Citizenship Ruling

On the 18th of July a calamity happened, or so the immigration lawyers would have you believe. Mr Justice Max Barrett, in a landmark High Court ruling, held that the Minister for Justice could not offer exemptions to a clause...

/ 21/07/2019

Irish Republicanism has Exhausted Itself

Twenty years of peace has done more to harm the fortunes of Irish republicanism than thirty years of warfare. Republicanism in 2019 finds itself between the Scylla and Charybdis, of bungling dissidents and a post-nationalist Sinn Féin. The botched murder...

/ 13/07/2019

Ireland’s Emerging Rightist Media Nexus

This is intended to be a resource on Irish-oriented right-wing media platforms, most typically YouTube channels, but also encompassing other formats.  There is an undeniable thirst for information sources outside of the narrow sliver of ideological choices available from the...

/ 09/07/2019

EU-Mercosur Deal is a Symptom of Neoliberal Exhaustion

The culmination of twenty years of intermittent trade negotiations, the EU-Mercosur trade deal stands to open up fissures in Irish life. Aiming to liberalise trade barriers between the EU and the four membered South American bloc over a ten year...

/ 04/07/2019

The Single Plausible Case for Intervention Against Iran

We have been at this point before almost two decades ago – an autocratic regime with significant human rights abuses has antagonised the global hegemon, rumours swirl of a WMD-program and a jingoistic media hypes itself into a frenzy. There...

/ 27/06/2019