Following similar protests countrywide against the plantation of Irish communities, last Friday night saw a crowd of concerned locals assemble on the outskirts of Galway City in the Ballybrit Business Park to oppose the installation of over 300 migrant men in a former office block

According to type, the governing regime in Leinster House once again refused to consult any of the local population on the matter nor reveal details on the make-up of the men to be housed in this planned migrant centre.

A gathering of over 60 men, women, and children, young and old gathered to voice their anger and fear over 300 single military-aged males from unknown countries being parachuted into their community, with the business park directly situated next to family suburbs in the Ballybane and Mervue area. The safety concerns are further compounded by the numerous women who work in the multitude of local factories who will naturally be apprehensive as they walk to work across day and night shifts. Given the number of vacant office blocks directly adjacent to the current migrant centre there are genuine concerns that if this plantation is permitted, these other sites will be quickly converted to house several hundred more migrant males.

There was a great sense of energy among the crowd and a determination to resist this government-imposed threat against their community. This was demonstrated by the multitude of speakers, men and women, who confidently rose up and stood before the gathering to give impassioned speeches highlighting their fury and disgust, but also their resolution not to stand idly by while a traitorous regime destroys the very fabric of their society.

Women spoke of their fear of being harassed and unable to walk the area on their own, a point further underlined by men who spoke of their worry about the safety of their daughters. Several individuals pleaded with those who have remained quiet about the migrant overflow into the country to speak up, and especially emphasised it is imperative that the men of Ireland support these protests in person and actively stand up for their communities.

There was discussion on how to successfully oppose this planned migrant centre and the practical solutions that can be applied. The locals were under no illusions as to the government agenda as they were reminded that the Taoiseach and other government officials have stated that there is no cap on the number of migrants who will arrive here under the pretence of asylum, while also stipulating that communities have no say over who lives in their locality. There are also plans for two additional migrant centres in Galway City.

It is currently unknown when the government plans to bus the foreign male cohorts into the converted office block in Ballybrit, however, local sources indicate that it is imminent. Further action is planned by the locals and the situation will be reported upon by The Burkean as it unfolds.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. Mark Murphy 27/05/2023 at 4:36 pm

    People need to wake up to what they politicians are up to, they need to go to their houses or offices and explain to them that asylum seekers are not welcome in Ireland. When I see asylum seekers on the street I politely tell them that they are not welcome here. People need to let politicians and they asylum seekers that they are not wanted here. Stand up now before this country is unliveable for the indigenous Irish people


  2. Joseph Sheehan MD 27/05/2023 at 4:55 pm

    Ask the Lebanese Catholics how did it work out for them ?
    Oh I am sorry, you can’t ask them. They are dead.


  3. Daniel BUCKLEY 29/05/2023 at 12:25 am

    It is pointless to expect the Regime to show any concern for the People of Ireland mregarding the Plantation.
    This is ethnic cleansing and people trafficking with the full complicity of the Regime and its toadies in the Gardai, the Justice system,Border Control. NGO’s and Media.
    You get what you voted for.
    You have a Regime which works actively against the wishes of the Irish People, and hates, despises and has contempt for the People.
    Their contempt is justified,when they managed to manipulate 90% of the population into taking a deadly poisonous Injection, masquerading as a Vaccine.
    The migrants are just the replacements for the dead and dying native population, condemned to die because of their naivety,gullibility, stupidity ,cowardice , bovine docility and misplaced trust in a Regime that is their deadly Enemy.


  4. Daniel BUCKLEY 29/05/2023 at 12:27 am

    It is pointless to expect the Regime to show any concern for the People of Ireland regarding the Plantation.
    This is ethnic cleansing and people trafficking with the full complicity of the Regime and its toadies in the Gardai, the Justice system,Border Control. NGO’s and Media.
    You get what you voted for.
    You have a Regime which works actively against the wishes of the Irish People, and hates, despises and has contempt for the People.
    Their contempt is justified,when they managed to manipulate 90% of the population into taking a deadly poisonous Injection, masquerading as a Vaccine.
    The migrants are just the replacements for the dead and dying native population, condemned to die because of their naivety,gullibility, stupidity ,cowardice , bovine docility and misplaced trust in a Regime that is their deadly Enemy.


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