Michael D. Higgins has caused consternation amongst the John Brutons of this world by his non-attendance at a religious ceremony in Armagh that was to “mark the centenaries of the partition of Ireland and the formation of Northern Ireland.” 

The service was to be attended by religious and political leaders in the North.

It is a rare thing for me to agree with Michael on anything, but I agree with his non-attendance: I don’t subscribe at all to this fad of the anti-national class that speaks to a supping cowardice in the soul and talks of “reconciliation” or “mutual respect,” which are bye-words for prostrating ourselves before the Planters and pretending that their transgressions and the invasions of their ancestors gives legitimacy to the Statelet squatting in the North-East.

Ireland does not consist of anything less than the whole island of Ireland, its islands and its seas. It is Ireland “from sod to sky.”

Would we expect the Koreans to mutually commemorate the bifurcation of their country? Would we expect Hungary to send its Head of State to Romania to celebrate Trianon

One cannot even accuse (or excuse, as it may be) Bruton of reflexive anti-Shinner West Brittery, as Sinn Féin since it entered Stormont has upheld Partition in a more effective way than ever before. For all the talk of “unity being around the corner” (in the same way Gerry sold disarmament to republicans in the 1990s), the fact is that Stormont and the North are more entrenched in the Union with Britain than at any point in the last century. Sinn Féin’s encouragement of recruitment for the British policing service is head and shoulders more egregious than Bruton being an old fuddy duddy.

So Higgins is right to absent himself from an event commemorating the sundering of Ireland.

However I could not allow myself to end on such a note. Higgins’ visit to the grave of Gramsci and his absence from the grave of the O’Neills and the younger Ó Domhnaill in the same city is something for which he should apologise.

To honour a foreigner and ignore your own history at the same time is one of the diseases ailing Ireland and the Gael at the present, and not one of the most unimportant. To become a people adrift, to look abroad for respect, or history, or inspiration is to become what the Anglo-Saxon always wanted: for the Irishman to forget who he was.

Posted by Eoin Corcoran


  1. Mary Stasia Concannon 19/09/2021 at 3:29 am

    “To honour a foreigner and ignore your own history at the same time is one of the diseases ailing Ireland and the Gael at the present, and not one of the most unimportant. To become a people adrift, to look abroad for respect, or history, or inspiration is to become what the Anglo-Saxon always wanted: for the Irishman to forget who he was.”

    Every person of Irish ancestry, no matter what country they’re living in, should memorize those sentences and never forget what our ancestors sacrificed and suffered preserve our identity and our conscience.


  2. Mary Stasia Concannon 19/09/2021 at 3:31 am

    “To honour a foreigner and ignore your own history at the same time is one of the diseases ailing Ireland and the Gael at the present, and not one of the most unimportant. To become a people adrift, to look abroad for respect, or history, or inspiration is to become what the Anglo-Saxon always wanted: for the Irishman to forget who he was.”

    Every person of Irish ancestry, no matter what country they’re living in, should memorize those sentences and never forget what our ancestors sacrificed and suffered to preserve our identity and our conscience.


  3. “statelet squatting in the northeast”. The least of Irelands worries. Higgins and the rest of the proud and dedicated Irish patriots have had no difficulty with the EU’s dominance over every aspect of life in the “Republic”. A united Ireland bowing and scraping to Brussels forever? .Can’t wait.!


  4. I bet he secretly wanted to go, but was afraid of the criticism he would recieve if he did go.

    It will be interesting to see if any of the globalists in the oireachtas will go and bow their heads to Liz, the mother of a son who was best pals with Epstein, and is being sued by one of epsteins victims.

    Royalty? HAHA. Full blown five course organic meals served up to this lot. HAHA.

    Philip Windsor quote – If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.

    Charles Windsor quote – I learned the way a monkey learns – by watching its parents.

    Charles Windsor quote – On an increasingly crowded planet, humanity faces many threats – but none is greater than climate change. It magnifies every hazard and tension of our existence.

    Charles Windsor quote – Your greatest achievement is to love me.

    Charles Windsor quote – We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis — its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change

    Charles Windsor quote – “As we move from rescue to recovery, we have a unique but rapidly shrinking window of opportunity to learn lessons and reset ourselves on a more sustainable path. It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.”

    Klaus Schwab quote – A Great Reset is necessary to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.”

    Funny how they all came out of the woodwork the time the scamdemic started, saying the exact same things as each other, and a year later clot-shot digital passports come in order for people to go to the cinema or have a pint in a restaurant.

    Flatten the curve HAHA.

    Big visions of change, great reset, population control, sustainable development, social contract combined with digital medical surveillance and intrustion and removal of rights and freedoms.

    Big visions of change MY HOLE!

    Turn off the tv box, big pharma puppets on it 24/7 HAHA!


    Aldous Huxley – One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.”


    Aldous Huxley QUOTE – There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it.

    Sheep pens in concerts. LMFAO.

    Just laugh at it. Laugh at the madness.



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